At this point, who DOESN’T have Coronavirus? – IOTW Report

At this point, who DOESN’T have Coronavirus?

White House: Trump experiencing ‘mild symptoms’ after positive coronavirus test, ‘in good spirits’.

“The president does have mild symptoms, and as we look to try to make sure that not only his health and safety and welfare is good, we continue to look at that for all of the American people,” Meadows continued.

Meadows said that the president “continues, not only to be in good spirits, but very energetic.” more

SNIP: It was reported (verbally) that Hope Hicks was in the habit of wearing masks. She still was infected with the Wuhan19.

Utah Senator Mike Lee tests positive for coronavirus.

Just The News:
Utah Sen. Mike Lee said Friday that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus,

The Republican lawmaker made the announcement on Twitter following President Trump saying overnight that he and  first lady Melania Trump had tested positive.

Lee is a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, led by GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham, which is set in the coming weeks to begin confirmation hearings for Trump Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett.  more

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel received positive coronavirus test Wednesday, spokesman says.

Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel is recovering in her Michigan home after learning Wednesday she tested positive for the novel coronavirus, a spokesman told Fox News.

“After a member of her family tested positive for COVID-19, the chairwoman was tested for the virus,” RNC spokesman Steve Guest told Fox News. “On Wednesday afternoon, she got confirmation she was COVID-19 positive.” more

VP Mike Pence, Karen Pence test negative for coronavirus, spokesman says.

The last time Pence and Trump were in close contact was Tuesday morning, officials say

And in case you were wondering…Weekday Poll (Rasmussen) – October 1: Trump Approval at 49%.

15 Comments on At this point, who DOESN’T have Coronavirus?

  1. That drum has been beaten so hard when I hear “I’ve got” I want to say “So what does that mean?” Check out this photo of the Beijing instigators:

    Is the Great Hall of The ‘chosen’ People germ free? Where’s your face diaper Winnie? But wait, Commies are socially distance anyways. Unless they’re hacking into your nation’s computers.

  2. I had my physical checkup last week. Doctor asked if I wanted a COVID test. No bleeping way. Why get forced into quarantine if the test comes back positive, when I have zero symptoms?
    Supposedly Melania has mild symptoms. Hope they are both well, and Mike Lee and Ronna McDaniel too.
    Dems will use any excuse to delay ACB confirmation. I certainly hope Repubs will ignore them.

  3. The can confirm Barrett. The only person in the senate who should be careful is Cocaine Mitch lol. He had Polio as a kid so I don’t know if there’s residuals/weakening from it other than stiffened joints.

    I’m not trashing anyone who wears masks for legit personal reasons.
    I will trash drama queens and people who wear them like it’s a fad.
    Those douchebags are not helping, at all.

  4. the original excuse was that masks prevent others from getting what you’ve got. Now its wear one or die.

    Consider dental offices. Sit in waiting room wearing masks to prevent others from gettin your bugs, then sit in dentist chair with mouth wide open for 30 minutes.

  5. This will be used as an excuse for Dementia Joe to demand that the next two debates be conducted remotely, and his handlers will insist that no inspection for electronic devices is necessary after his outstanding performance in the first debacle. In order to set this up, the DNC will try to cancel the debate between Mike Pence and Kalamity Harris unless these terms are agreed to before their debate.

  6. Charlie WalksonWater- Because you are actually thinking.
    If TV-whipped Americans, at the very beginning, sat down and did some homework, we wouldn’t be in this mess. Yes, TVwhipped are focused NOW, but it’s only because they’re bored, no money, and it’s cutting into their social time. JUST NOW.
    These motherfuckers are always too late.
    (They’re also the same people wearing Europe’s fashions from a year and a half ago. What does that have to do with Corona? Nothing.*Shrugs*)

    Honestly, I see more ads and signs about staying 6 feet apart and hardly any about washing your hands! Washing your hands is #1 priority. Always.
    Even the ancient people knew that.

  7. Heard on the radio today that McConnell would be delaying the ACB confirmation process, not because of Wuhan virus or democrat whining, but from him getting ‘cold feet’ from being in a tight reelection race in Ky.

    However, Politico indicates the cold feet story was incorrect, and the plan is to go full steam ahead. However, PDJT and Mike Lee’s virus infection might cause some delay. .

  8. At this point, I still don’t know anyone personally who had Covid. I don’t even believe it myself. BTW, I had to have a Covid test in order to finally vist my mother in her nursing home. Got the negative result in 3 days. But I still had to sit 6 ft. from her masked, sanitize hands, no touching or passing items back and forth, visit limited to 30 minutes in a designated room, not her personal room. Luckily, my doctor issued a standing order for the test and my insurance covers as many tests as I need. My brother isn’t so luckily and can only do window or video visits. It’s like jumping through hoops.

  9. I met a fat slob in wheelchair the other day. She was over 50, 400 lbs and looked like dog squeeze. She claimed she had “the covid” at some point and was quite gleeful about going on disability because “they have to check my lungs and whatnot”.

    Yes, the light bulb went on over my head….eventually.

    I bet a lot of fat fucks are using covid as an excuse to jump on the gravy train.

    I dunno’, maybe I’m suffering from being a cynical asshole. All I know is that lady looked liked a frat house sized keg of silly putty. Didn’t seem covid related.


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