At what point are white leftists going to be satisfied that they’ve destroyed whiteness? – IOTW Report

At what point are white leftists going to be satisfied that they’ve destroyed whiteness?

The Federalist-

Under the “Family” heading, The Atlantic recently carried a cheerful little article titled, “How Well-Intentioned White Families Can Perpetuate Racism.” How are we doing this horrible thing? The problem, it seems, is that we love our kids and want them to do well in life. Which is just the worst, right?

From a rational perspective, of course, this is a deeply silly argument. Yet it perfectly represents some fundamental things that have gone wrong in our culture’s thinking about race, human nature, and morality. It also demonstrates why those ideas are dangerous, because it seems that so-called “progressives” won’t be happy until you hate your kids.

The article is an interview with Margaret Hagerman, a sociologist who set out to “recruit white affluent families as subjects for the research she was doing on race.” (Here’s a little tip for living in contemporary America: if anybody says she’d like to use your kids for research on race, just say “no.”) The result was a book titled “White Kids: Growing Up With Privilege in a Racially Divided America.” Amazing, isn’t it, how some people will allegedly do exhaustive research just to come up with the same old clichés about “white privilege”?


16 Comments on At what point are white leftists going to be satisfied that they’ve destroyed whiteness?

  1. Screw those nutty people. It’s racism, plain and simple. It’s virtue signalling by crazy stupid people to feed their own egos. Instead of just seeing equal individuals wherever they go, they see color. THEY are the racists.

  2. I can sum up Hagerman’s research project in just one word: stupid. No need to dissect it, no need to find the logical fallacies, and no need to discuss the basic human condition – her premises, methods and desired outcome (which she will find due to scientific bias) are just stupid.

    Hope this saved some of you some time in not having to read the linked article.

  3. I met a guy (around 40) by accident in the parking lot yesterday – and we got going like two choir members singing about the evils of the Soviet State of Washington and Socialist Amazonia (Seattle) that is choking itself to death.

    I’m so Conservative I make Barry Goldwater look like a democrat – and this guy beats me! Later, it dawned on me that he was black.

    It’s not about skin color, Liberal idiots. It’s about ideology. Go blow your stink.

  4. The driving motivation/ideology/doctrine/narrative, etc:

    Left = The Collective. There are no individuals. There are no individual rights. There are no individual responsibilities.

    Western Civilization and the Jewel in the Crown, America = Everything comes down to individuals who “shoulder their individual responsibilities” (J. Peterson). Responsibilities give rise for the necessity of Individual Rights. Race plays no part in this.

  5. At what point are white leftists going to be satisfied that they’ve destroyed….. Anything.

    The answer is never. Self identified progressives are never going to be satisfied period.

    I have family in the medical field in Seattle & Portland and their patients must fill out complete medical histories. Almost all of those who are outwardly leftist also list clinical depression in their medical history. It is pretty much universally accepted that the depression is a contributory factor in what they are being treated for, even by my high-functioning, wack job, leftwing screwball relative who treats them.

    The bottom line is “misery loves company.”

  6. Seeing as the only ones that truly give a flying crap are the ones that are pushing this and the jelloheads that are buying into it, I’m just going to sit back and enjoy the show. After they change their names to Dolezal and King, I’ll celebrate the cleansing and go on as usual.

  7. Huh. No one else noticed that this skirt is saying all black people are stupid? None of them put their kids in AP classes? None of them “have the resources” to raise their children?

    Tsk tsk racist white lady. Try helping instead of harming.


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