Atlantic City dismantles homeless encampment ‘apartments’ beneath iconic boardwalk – IOTW Report

Atlantic City dismantles homeless encampment ‘apartments’ beneath iconic boardwalk

-where beer was on tap and pizzas were delivered

17 Comments on Atlantic City dismantles homeless encampment ‘apartments’ beneath iconic boardwalk

  1. Come to America! Land of free stuff! Live like a king compared to the shit holes you came from! Free housing! Free food! Free medical! Free money! and all you have to do is have somebody fill out that mail in ballot you were given when you got here for your friendly neighborhood democrat.

  2. They need to play the chorus and the rest of the song from Under the Boardwalk by The Drifters from 1964 along with this article. (Under the boardwalk) out of the sun, (Under the boardwalk) We’ll be having some fun, (Under the boardwalk) people walking above, (Under the boardwalk) We’ll be making love, Under the boardwalk, boardwalk. Who says doo wop isn’t relevant, back when black music used to be good.

  3. Just from my personal experience, of course, but I’d say that maybe 20%-to-25% of all homeless seem to have an actual mental illness of some kind. These folks need to be off the street and in some kind of monitored setting for everyone’s safety, theirs and ours. The remaining 75%-to-80% are just low-life scum and shit-bags.

  4. geoff – What’s wrong with mice and men let alone the autumn of our discontent. And the illegal immigrants of wrath.

    Nothing! My analogy is if you put a piece of pizza on the sidewalk raccoons will start crawling out of the sewer to grab it! On the other hand Locusts eat everything in sight!

  5. Harry, you forgot the rats that like to steal slices of pizza in NYC. We could even name the raccoon Rocky and the rat Rizzo. And locusts are a protected species in Utah since they once saved the Mormons back in the 1800’s. And then are flying rats commonly called shitgulls. Boy, do they ever have a lot of gull for that. My answer to get rid of shitgulls is to arm a bunch of hunters with street sweeper shotguns with 25 round drum magazines and blaze away until there are none left. Or feed them Alka seltzer since they can’t burp which will cause them to blow up and explode internally.

  6. Harry and Geoff – A long time ago while walking along the boardwalk in Atlantic City I saw a woman leaving a pizza place. She had just positioned her slice and just as her mouth was ready to take that first bite a Seagull had snatched that slice – using the crust as a handle. Very aggressive birds .

  7. When I was in Navy boot camp, I once witnessed some of the Navy mess cooks out by the garbage cans throw some garbage up into the air and before it could hit the ground the seagull’s had snatched it all up in midair, none of it hit the ground. And I once had a seagull poop on the bill of my baseball cap while I was riding my bike home from work thru the middle of Riverfront Park in downtown Spokane, thank God I was wearing my baseball cap. But the funniest still had to be when we were out on the grinder in boot camp being inspected by our company commander and a gull flying over dropped a big messy glob of poop right on the Co. commander’s hat, do you know how hard it is to stifle a laugh and not get caught when that happened, fortunately no one did.

  8. Geoff , the seagulls near the Navy mess were doing their own “recycling” . Good for you and your baseball cap and the poopy gull did provide some comic relief re your Co. commander’s hat. Wouldn’t surprise me if that Nissan ad (remember it well) can be found at YouTube.


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