Business “Sanctuary City” – IOTW Report

Business “Sanctuary City”

The central California city of Atwater has declared itself a “sanctuary city” for businesses.

The Friday resolution passed by the Atwater City Council allows business owners to open, openly defying Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s coronavirus-related stay-at-home order.

The resolution affirms “the city’s commitment” to “fundamental” human rights. Churches and other nonprofits are included in the resolution, according to ABC30’s Vanessa Vasconcelos.

More here.

15 Comments on Business “Sanctuary City”

  1. Atwater is a cool little town. Lot’s of AG money, very clean. They have a big gun store there with the largest inventory of Ed Browns, Wilson Combats and Night Hawk Customs I’ve ever seen at one store. A sure sign of money. Very conservative.

  2. If some cities can selectively defy federal law

    Other cities can selectively defy state law

    with the exact same non – consequences.

    Watch Pelosi ( crime family ) gavin useless
    try to become host of

    Truth or Consequences

    apologies to Jack Bailey
    who was a drunk but
    not a crook

  3. Bought a 62′ Chevy there about 15 years ago. That’s some nice California right there.

    Hopefully there’s still stuff East of there…. last time I cruised through there whole towns were boarded up right through the Sierras.

  4. Reverse psyche opps…take their terms an use them against them, their ‘sanctuary’ city or town, is our New Liberty Town and City. Virginia taught us this with the 2A ‘sanctuary. counties, that was a stroke of brilliance.

    It’s Alinksy, ‘take their OWN bible and USE it against THEM’.

    Rule #4 – “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”

    In this case the Left is using the Bible and the Constitution against us(a).

    @Aaron Burr- still waitin’ on a tip for a 1970 F100, no color specificity. I will come and do a ‘pickup’, let me know where.

  5. I live in Atwater, have since 1989. Was also elected to the council in 1994, serving for 4 years. Don’t mess with Conservatives. I’m very appreciative the Council took the action they did.

  6. Brad, once you think about it, the last thing you’ll want is for everyone to see your California. You think things are fucked up now, just wait till everyone wants a piece of what you have.

  7. Oh, now I get it, I had no idea where in Cali this was?

    Makes sense, it’s IN LAND, East of the Sierras, red (see below) and east of California State Route 99.

    Map Graphics are very revealing.

    They want to get back to work like us.

    Personally?? WE are being told to ‘stay home as long as possible’ for a reason…now at this point.


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