Audacity – An Al Qaeda Leader Came to America as a Refugee, and Applied for Disability for Bullet Wounds – IOTW Report

Audacity – An Al Qaeda Leader Came to America as a Refugee, and Applied for Disability for Bullet Wounds

Via Dee, posted in The Bullpen

Daniel Greenfield for Jihad Watch-

After engaging in terrorism in Iraq, an Al Qaeda leader came to America as a refugee and applied for Social Security disability benefits because his “injuries” in Iraq had made it too hard for him to work.

In 2006, Ali Yousif Ahmed Al-Nouri was the Emir of an Al Qaeda terrorist group in Fallujah. The Iraqi city was the scene of brutal battles between Al Qaeda and America. It was where American soldiers had suffered the most casualties in any battle since the Vietnam War. Despite multiple defeats, Al Qaeda remained deeply entrenched in the city and was even able to seize a number of neighborhoods in 2014.

By then, Al-Nouri was living in Arizona.

Only 2 years after being the Emir of an Al Qaeda group, Al-Nouri had traded the deserts of Al-Anbar for the deserts of the Southwest. How was an Al Qaeda leader able to move to the United States?

Easy. He claimed to be a refugee from Al Qaeda.

In 2008, the United States raised the refugee admission celling to 80,000 to accommodate the surge of Iraqis applying to come to the United States. The Iraqis claimed to be fleeing terrorism, but some, like Al-Nouri were terrorists, and our refugee resettlement program was not interested in telling them apart.

A quarter of refugees that year were Iraqis.


11 Comments on Audacity – An Al Qaeda Leader Came to America as a Refugee, and Applied for Disability for Bullet Wounds

  1. “The FBI found suspicious information on (98.9%) 87 out of 88 Iraqis who had been specially screened in 2018. Instead of praising the FBI for doing its job, the Pentagon complained that it was doing its job too well.

    In a White House meeting, an unnamed senior Pentagon official proposed exempting Iraqis from President Trump’s lowered refugee cap.”

    WTH is up with this ‘audacity’? Who promoted these ‘pentagon officials, and why?

  2. Several alternatives: Shark bait, Aligator feed, swan dive from a tall building, Military firing squad, drop him off in the middle of a desert with no water, feed him to grizzly hears,
    Drop him in the high. Sierras in a Tee Shirt, no shirt.

  3. Most egregious is that refugees can get SS Disability – never been here, never paid in and yet “Here’s your money” – no way will be we able to keep it from going bankrupt if non citizens can qualify

  4. From Blink: “…In a White House meeting, an unnamed senior Pentagon official proposed exempting Iraqis from President Trump’s lowered refugee cap.”

    We don’t know what the military is promising locals over there that serve as guides and interpreters. Could well be refugee status ($$$) in the land of the big PX.

  5. This guy could be placed on a giant target wheel…
    Anyone who has lost a family member in the war gets a free shot,
    Daylight hours only, after shooting he will be alligator food.


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