Audio Emerges of Paul Ryan Saying He Will Never Ever Defend Donald Trump – IOTW Report

Audio Emerges of Paul Ryan Saying He Will Never Ever Defend Donald Trump


On a never-before-released private October conference call with House Republican members, House Speaker Paul Ryan told his members in the U.S. House of Representatives he was abandoning then-GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump forever and would never defend him ever again.

In the Oct. 10, 2016 call, from right after the Access Hollywood tape of Trump was leaked in the weeks leading up to the election, Ryan does not specify that he will never defend Trump on just the Access Hollywood tape—he says clearly he is done with Trump altogether.

“His comments are not anywhere in keeping with our party’s principles and values,” Ryan said. “There are basically two things that I want to make really clear, as for myself as your Speaker. I am not going to defend Donald Trump—not now, not in the future. As you probably heard, I disinvited him from my first congressional district GOP event this weekend—a thing I do every year. And I’m not going to be campaigning with him over the next 30 days.”


ht/ jerry manderin

25 Comments on Audio Emerges of Paul Ryan Saying He Will Never Ever Defend Donald Trump

  1. Donald Trump will eventually burry this guy behind the White House when he’s no longer useful. That day could happen anytime. Ryan thinks he’s a pretty fart smeller. If Ryan thinks he’s convinced Trump to trust him he’s an idiot.

  2. Rat Ryan is just part of the problem the President faces.
    Today Mark Steyn, filling in for Rush Limbaugh, told us that an Air Force officer sent a memo to the personnel at Lockland Air Base outlining words and statements that can no longer be used by the Air Force:
    Blondes have more fun.
    It’s Greek to me. And many, many more.

    I hope General Mattis looks into this. I doubt if Mark just made it up.
    My reaction is: Are you fucking shitting me?

  3. Trump should make a fast pivot on this healthcare fix. He needs to gain back his evangelical/conservative base and f— over Ryan, McCain, etc…Let them know he’s in charge.

    What started off really great is getting too ugly. Press the brakes.

  4. Trump consistently said REPEAL Obamacare throughout the Campaign.
    Ryan has consistently stated REPLACE.

    What’s on the table being discusses? RREPLACE. WHY?

    Ryan is a RINO obstructionist. McCONnell has shown he is too, even after Trump named his wife as Sec. of Transportation.

    Both Ryan and McCONnell are concerned about their well being, self interest and politics over what’s best for the voters, President and the Nation.

    The one leader we have is Trump, the GOP, like the democrats are obstructionists conserving their power base and contributors at the expense of the voters, our President and Nation.


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