Australia: 4 Men Arrested After Trying to Smuggle 880 lbs of Meth in Sriracha Bottles – IOTW Report

Australia: 4 Men Arrested After Trying to Smuggle 880 lbs of Meth in Sriracha Bottles

KFI: Police in Australia have busted four people after they allegedly tried to sneak more than 880 lbs of methamphetamine into the country using Sriracha-branded bottles of hot sauce.

The drugs were discovered after officials with the Australian Border Force (ABF) targeted an air cargo shipment from the United States that was declared to have several hundred bottles of the hot chili sauce. However, after ABF officials examined the cargo, they noticed inconsistencies with the shipment- MORE

5 Comments on Australia: 4 Men Arrested After Trying to Smuggle 880 lbs of Meth in Sriracha Bottles

  1. Talk about Siracha with a KICK!!!!

    These idiots probably had these 768 bottles shipped to one residential address & major red flags went up. Since there were 4 of them arrested, they could have shipped in a case per week, alternating between several addresses, if they didn’t all live in the same place & flew under the radar. It looks like they were greedy & wanted to save on the “Bulk Shipping Rates”.


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