Australia Leading the “Free” World Toward Orwellian Imprisonment – IOTW Report

Australia Leading the “Free” World Toward Orwellian Imprisonment

WTF happened?

How many people would have had to die to make these measures make a bit of sense?

If I said 1000 everyone would do a collective spit take, into their masks.

Surely no country would react like the Australian government for 1000 deaths. I hate to sound cold-hearted, but risk management is a part of realty, and 1000 deaths is statistically meaningless. Yet, that is how many people died in a country of 25 1/2 million people.

The country’s leaders, and their brownshirts, must get off on the type of power that spreads misery.

They are sick, much sicker than anyone with Covid.

22 Comments on Australia Leading the “Free” World Toward Orwellian Imprisonment

  1. Setting aside how very Nazi this is, that’s putting a LOT of faith in cell phones that can fail, have bad batteries, not be charged, or that people may be asleep or in a different room or have bigger problems going on than answering a text or be working in a high noise environment or they just don’t WANT to answer a fucking text just right now…

    …also, good luck getting Granny and Gramps to hear, read, and turn around a text message in 15 minutes even WITHOUT getting them to take a picture.

    …Oz cops are going to be very, very busy between gay celebrations…

  2. there simply are not enough police if everyone says PHUCK YOU to this Hitler fantasy show. As they say, they can not arrest all of us so I for one will never ever allow myself to be locked up for the flu.

  3. “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power“

    -Abraham Lincoln

    And then… It impresses me that in Australia this is a manifestation of worthless fucking people (progressives) who think it cute, smart or funny to vote seriously flawed assholes into positions they have no business being anywhere near.

  4. People of Australia:
    Grab a bat
    Fashion a spear
    Sharpen knives
    For the love of a once great nation and people, RISE UP and flat out slaughter every pol regardless of level as well as any “police” who consent to the powers that be.
    WE will be right behind you!

  5. Wow, Australia is run by massive cunts. Didn’t a bunch of dykes and faggots on the Sydney PD give themselves a complete pass on the exact same gathering restrictions they were regularly arresting people for?

    People there need to start getting very violent in very large groups.

  6. Hunter September 3, 2021 at 10:40 am

    @ LuvntheBIGsites

    How will that happen?

    The people already happily and willingly disarmed themselves. When talking to a few Aussies a couple of years ago, they were quite happy to give up their guns.

    “Within two weeks of the massacre, the then conservative prime minister John Howard had brokered a National Firearms Agreement law limiting licensing and ownership controls of guns.

    Australia banned all semi-automatic rifles and all semi-automatic and pump-action shotguns and thousands of unlicensed firearms were surrendered under a gun amnesty.”

    Let this be a reminder to all Americans.

  7. Australians are SUBJECTS – not citizens.

    They will eat shit and call it chocolate if that’s what they’re told to do.

    Watch. The future of Europe is Australia.

    izlamo delenda est …

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