Australia Weather Bureau Caught Tampering With Climate Numbers – IOTW Report

Australia Weather Bureau Caught Tampering With Climate Numbers


Australian scientists at the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) ordered a review of temperature recording instruments after the government agency was caught tampering with temperature logs in several locations.

Agency officials admit that the problem with instruments recording low temperatures likely happened in several locations throughout Australia, but they refuse to admit to manipulating temperature readings. The BOM located missing logs in Goulburn and the Snow Mountains, both of which are in New South Wales.

Meteorologist Lance Pidgeon watched the 13 degrees Fahrenheit Goulburn recording from July 2 disappear from the bureau’s website. The temperature readings fluctuated briefly and then disappeared from the government’s website.

“The temperature dropped to minus 10 (13 degrees Fahrenheit), stayed there for some time and then it changed to minus 10.4 (14 degrees Fahrenheit) and then it disappeared,” Pidgeon said, adding that he notified scientist Jennifer Marohasy about the problem, who then brought the readings to the attention of the bureau.


7 Comments on Australia Weather Bureau Caught Tampering With Climate Numbers

  1. The instruments don’t need to be examined, the “meteorologists need to be.

    Can’t blame the guy manipulating the results, when those lying instruments conspire to fudge the data; evil machines.

  2. You would hope that people are fired for this after a real investigation is done but you know that’s unlikely to happen. Man made Global Warming is a masive, world-wide fraud that is both coordinated and in some respects uncoordinated the latter being individuals or very small groups who fervently believe what they’re doing by screwing with the numbers will save the earth. These are the true believers. The former is being done by several groups.

    The first is the out and out fraudsters like Al Gore. I’ve now read numbers that show his foundation (which is where he shelters the money from the taxman and his family are the board) now is worth more then 200 million. Not bad for a guy that finally left DC with a worth of about a million. Assisting Gore and his minions are all the Hollywood movers and shakers that attempt to influence the public into believing this scam as well as demonizing anyone with the temerity to question the “science”.

    The next group are the ones making money with so-called “clean energy” projects like the gigantic solar farm in Gila Bend Arizona along with clean tech such as Tesla. These suck money out of the government via grants, loan guarantees, government contracts and government (local and state) that mandate a percentage of power generated must come from renewable resources like solar. Without government money and regulations they collapse, and do with a depressing regularity. Within this group I would count Wall Street Investors who create green energy funds to shake down investors that don’t even realize where their retirement money is disappearing to.

    Finally we have the UN/EU and some soverign governments and individuals determined to redistribute wealth from the West that earned it to the East (and south) that didn’t and to take their cut as the money passes. They are also bound and determined to weaken western culture and power perhaps fatally. I would include individuals like George Soros in this group.

    There’s too much money and power (political and economic) at stake here for them to just give up so it’s going to be a fight to the death. Gore’s got a new movie and book coming out and people not only should not buy it but also convince their friends not to go to the movie or buy the book. Maybe a few “reviews” at Amazon would help the books journey to the remainder bin then the landfill.

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