Austrians Sign Petition to Leave European Union – IOTW Report

Austrians Sign Petition to Leave European Union

TheDailySheeple– With the financial crisis in Greece reaching a fevered pitch, many have wondered what might happen to the European Union if their most debt riddled member jumps ship. Will it cause a domino effect of defaulting nations, equally interested in leaving this unnatural union? It’s hard to say how it all might pan out, but it’s important to note that anti-EU rhetoric isn’t limited to Greece. Calls to leave the Union are being heard in unexpected places.

Over 260,000 Austrians have signed a petition calling for the EU exit for the country, and now the Austrian parliament must discuss a referendum on the issue.

Overall, the 261,159 people who signed the petition represent 4.12 percent of the electorate.

The petition was most popular in the regions of Lower Austria (where 5.18 percent of potential voters signed it) and in Carinthia (4.85 percent).

The threshold for calling a debate on a potential referendum is 100,000 people.


9 Comments on Austrians Sign Petition to Leave European Union

  1. Now we have to see what happens to the rest of the PIGS, Portugal, Italy (and Ireland), Greece ( we now know) and Spain. All the countries that have borrowed but don’t produce enough to pay back.

  2. I don’t know why they would be in the EU in the first place. I mean, they’re on the other side of the WORLD, for crying out loud.
    And they’ve got all those kangaroos to
    deal with… Oh, wait – “Austrians”…

    Never mind…

  3. THANKS, Cardigan.

    You’ve made the Czarina very happy today.
    Expect to receive your title of

    HERZOGIN von Furz bis Rulpsen

    anyday now….

  4. Mein Herr,(sir),
    you just made me lough out loud,as an Austrian coming to the USA for a better life,that Kangaroo story is so true.
    Explaining it was not that helpful….Adolf,you know,thank God for the Mozart!
    Proud American with roots in “Australia”

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