GovernorWatch – Nearly Half of U.S. Governors Say “NO THANKS, DON’T NEED NO REFUGEES”
States whose governors oppose Syrian refugees coming in: — Alabama — Arizona — Arkansas — Florida — Georgia — Idaho
States whose governors oppose Syrian refugees coming in: — Alabama — Arizona — Arkansas — Florida — Georgia — Idaho
A parent doesn't lock the front door because he hates the people outside, but because he loves the people inside. #SyrianRefugees — Brooke (@bmille49) November 17, 2015
I chose Luton because I heard it had a huge influx of Muslim immigrants. How bad could it be? Enlargen by clicken
Inside Sources- A Federal Communications commissioner is doubling down on arguments against the agency’s recent Open Internet Order, saying the agency failed to “identify a single” net neutrality abuse before [Read More]
The queer brigade are tearing up with joy. Barbie has produced a commercial with a young flaming queer in it that couldn’t be gayer if he was doing his nails [Read More]
vid John Oliver is an unfortunate-toothed Brit who fills the aching Jon Stewart void for leftists who need to be cued when to laugh based on hackneyed comedy rhythm, not by [Read More]
You know, there is a way to guarantee the kids won’t be white, but I guess she’s racist against blacks too. Another thing. Why does she capitalize whiteness? iOTW’s Aurelius [Read More]
There was a black guy shot by police in Minneapolis. His name is Jamar Clark. Police were responding to a domestic dispute. Clark’s girlfriend was being carried into an EMT [Read More]
Professor Melissa Click totally looks like Margaret from Dennis the Menace. Hat Tip Media Bladders
See after the jump –
I was just playing poker online and a guy showed up with the Eiffel Tower Peace Sign as his avatar. I couldn’t help chatting. I asked, “uhhh, Mugambo, how is [Read More]
This was maybe almost a half-decade ago. I have to say, I do see political movement, ever so slightly, in the direction of Andrew Klavan’s common sense. It’s almost imperceptible, [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.