Articles by BFH
How Far Gone Is the Left On the “Clock Kid” Issue?
When the likes of Bill Maher and Chris Matthews get exasperated with the moron Jorge Ramos, and give up trying to get common sense through his thick friggin’ skull, you know [Read More]
My God, This Meme Has Been a Long Time Comin’
Have any of you run into some wet-behind-the-ears, just-fell-off-the-turnip-truck-yesterday, a-hole college kid who is going to explain socialism to you like it was invented last year? They are all over [Read More]
Who Dat?
Wanna feel old? SEE HERE
it’s this guy
John Deacon, bass guitarist for Queen (on left)
You’re not going to ‘GET’ Trump – Give Up On That
Trump gives the perfect answer to the idiots on the left who say Trump acted egregiously when he didn’t correct a questioner when the man said Obama was a Muslim. [Read More]
Miss America Contest
The winner of the 90s – Vote for the best looking Miss America of the 40s by thumbing up the year in the comments.
Emir For a Day ht/ jason chisel
Regarding Trump – I Actually Thought “What Does Whittle Think?”
I usually don’t care much what other pundits think about Trump, but I actually thought to myself the other day, “I wonder what Bill Whittle thinks?” I had no idea [Read More]
Gentlemen, there’s no fighting in the war room
Cop tells students who are protesting for greater free speech on campus that they can’t solicit their opinions without a permit. A commenter on Youtube gives the officer a little [Read More]
Hillary Dance
Click to see it (you’re going to want to)
Hillary Snubs Girls and Boys Club
DM- Between 30 and 35 kids age 5-13 were told they would meet the presidential candidate, but she never showed Children wrote her letters, painted signs, drew pictures and even [Read More]
Kiss Cam Joke No Longer Allowed At Mets Citi Field
While scanning the crowd for a couple to feature on the Kiss Cam, the Mets would isolate 2 opposing players. No more. Some people were “offended.” I”m sure the Kiss [Read More]
Take a 360º flight
Cool interactive video. Hat Tip/ Chris Cassone