It’s Obvious – The Right No Longer Wants “Politicians” To Represent Us
Shock poll in Iowa as Ben Carson is tied with Donald Trump and the top four slots are ALL taken by political mavericks 56 per cent of Iowa GOPers want [Read More]
Shock poll in Iowa as Ben Carson is tied with Donald Trump and the top four slots are ALL taken by political mavericks 56 per cent of Iowa GOPers want [Read More]
Donald Trump is a counterfeit Republican In every town large enough to have two traffic lights there is a bar at the back of which sits the local Donald Trump, [Read More]
He succumbed to brain cancer
Highest thumbed comment, and editor’s pick, gets a Breitbart is Here sticker – about 5″x5″. Since the Emperor has set about renaming a traditional site such as Mt. McKinley, what [Read More]
Click for video ^ ht tsunami
It’s going to be called Denali. Either that’s Obama’s favorite cologne, or it was his nickname in the Choom Gang. Regardless, it’s just another move in the “Remove Whitey from America” [Read More]
Many people are focusing on the question Jan Helfeld poses and whether it was fair or whether it was a logical trap. I’m more interested in the way Sanders tangentially responds. He [Read More]
As soon as this guy, who lives in The Hamptons, puts them up, someone steals them. (The Clintons stay in the Hamptons… hmmmm.) It’s gotten to the point where he’s put [Read More]
Nice Rant By Nicki – ht/ThePoliticalHat
A Muslim transgender dude was booted from the women’s section of a Tempe, Arizona mosque because, as they say, “WTF is a transgender?” (Okay, I said the “wtf” part.) The dude, [Read More]
This is everything I couldn’t stand about Obama idolatry. The shirt is okay. The stupid wigs are contrived and silly.
Check under your bed – So this just came in the mail. — Vince Coglianese (@TheDCVince) August 28, 2015 ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.