Progressives have a problem with Kate’s Law – It costs too much
The Atlantic says that Kate’s Law shouldn’t be enacted because it would put too many people in jail for too long a time. Too save money we should allow deported [Read More]
The Atlantic says that Kate’s Law shouldn’t be enacted because it would put too many people in jail for too long a time. Too save money we should allow deported [Read More]
The Club For Growth tried to shake down Donald Trump for $1,000,000 and twist the facts in order to try and deny it. Unfortunately for them, Trump had the goods. [Read More]
Earth responded and said, “this song sucks, it sounds gay. I prefer Zeppelin.” Performers include Bon Jovi, Paul McCartney, Sheryl Crow, Fergie and Natasha Bedingfield, none of who pursue money [Read More]
You have to be 230 points better than a black person on your SATs in order to exercise your white privilege. White progressives treat blacks like special olympians and blacks [Read More]
These 8 RINO traitors voted WITH Democrats AGAINST an amendment to the Corker Menendez Graham bill that would REQUIRE a CERTIFICATION from the Obama administration that Iran has not directly [Read More]
What the heck am I looking at?
ht/ Magnum
Newser- Real estate signs are typically pretty straightforward things, but in Portland they’re getting weirdly specific—with stickers popping up featuring a map of California in a red circle with a [Read More]
There is a war on the right. On one side is a faction of people who like to throw around the phrase #cuckservative. These people are Trump supporters. On the [Read More]
Female Officer Starts Pumping Gas When Someone Comes Up From Behind This story was sent in by Tsunami. I never know what the stories are, and more times than not [Read More]
… Jesus, right? Nope. HILLARY. Watch dumb cows worshipping Hillary Clinton through song. Video I’m looking forward to the song they conjure up after Hillary is indicted. HT/ [Read More]
He told everybody within ear distance that the cop put “a gun in his face.” Al Sharpen is gonna regret the day he demanded cameras for cops, because the tally [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.