BFH – Page 2168 – IOTW Report

Small World

Saturday, 18 July 2015, 0:12 BFH 5

An iOTWreport reader just sent this in. It’s a yearbook picture of the fallen marine, David Wyatt, who was killed by the ordinary ol’ moderate nice guy muslim. Their daughter [Read More]

Shoot Us With What?

Friday, 17 July 2015, 18:30 BFH 46

Captain Kangaloon calls for the shooting of republicans and conservatives. Progressives Today “Republicans and conservatives are the enemy. They are expendable. They will be targets in the Revolution when it [Read More]

Site Note

Friday, 17 July 2015, 14:37 BFH 38

Sorry folks. You’re going to have to be careful leaving comments. I disabled the editing feature because it was causing some problems for some people in their browsers. I’ll see [Read More]

Answers to Visual Quiz

Friday, 17 July 2015, 2:04 BFH 14

All the women on the right are pro-life. All the women on the left are pro-death. Video HERE.

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