Ben Shapiro Nominates This as The Most Idiotic Comment in Presidential History
” Ideologies are not defeated by guns. They’re defeated with better ideas.” See his analysis HERE
” Ideologies are not defeated by guns. They’re defeated with better ideas.” See his analysis HERE
The word “WHITE” sends leftists running like a Chinese fire drill. The word can mean anything. The man is from White Mountain, New Hampshire. Check his other arm, maybe it [Read More]
Hahaha. Australia’s MP, liberal Dennis Jensen, is not buying the “settled science” crapola being barked by the IPCC and their lackeys. He wants an audit of the climate model claims [Read More]
The left sucks at competition. They were born that way. Ever since I was a kid I’ve noticed that the kid who whines about “fairness” is the kid that stinks at [Read More]
Washington Times A Nobel laureate who supported President Obama in his first presidential campaign now says the Democratic president is “dead wrong” on global warming. “I think Obama is a [Read More]
Author unknown- I envy Kevin. My brother, Kevin, thinks God lives under his bed. At least that’s what I heard him say one night. He was praying out loud in [Read More]
Pampers commercial
There’s a picture going around of Hillary sitting in her parent’s house with a glimpse of a confederate flag in the background. It makes for a great gotcha if it [Read More]
But it’s Faux News that lies, right? This is like having a body cam on a cop and having the perp busted for absolutely lying about the police encounter. Toronto [Read More]
Ezra Levant: See, in North America, we argue over whether or not bakeries should be compelled to bake gay wedding cakes. In much of the Muslim world, the gay rights [Read More]
Maggie’sFarm- He talks about business people, but neglects the frequency of psychopathy in politicians. I think it’s more common in the latter. Over the years, I have told some number [Read More]
Malibu beaches have always been public, but you wouldn’t think so watching the lengths Hollywood progressives went to keep the “riff-raff” off “their” beaches. They must open up pathways that they [Read More]
#LegalAmerican Lives Matter Breitbart A six-time-deported illegal immigrant is charged in the felony hit-and-run of an Arizona mother and her two young children. The man allegedly admitted to being high [Read More]
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