Small World
An iOTWreport reader just sent this in. It’s a yearbook picture of the fallen marine, David Wyatt, who was killed by the ordinary ol’ moderate nice guy muslim. Their daughter [Read More]
An iOTWreport reader just sent this in. It’s a yearbook picture of the fallen marine, David Wyatt, who was killed by the ordinary ol’ moderate nice guy muslim. Their daughter [Read More]
In the report they say they are standing down, but they say it’s “not off the table to escalate in the future.” I guess this means the check GM wrote to [Read More]
This was the discussion last night on THE BLACK ROSE SHOW (with guest .. me.) I’m going to be on, yet again, tonight, and the discussion will be “What does your [Read More]
Captain Kangaloon calls for the shooting of republicans and conservatives. Progressives Today “Republicans and conservatives are the enemy. They are expendable. They will be targets in the Revolution when it [Read More]
The rest HERE
HT/ Reddecaesari Photo Album HERE
What do you expect from a mentally ill freak, decorum? When confronted with the reality that a guy who considers himself a woman is genetically a man, the joke in [Read More]
Sorry folks. You’re going to have to be careful leaving comments. I disabled the editing feature because it was causing some problems for some people in their browsers. I’ll see [Read More]
I feel badly that in order to do a story about how craven and sh!tty Gawker is I have to contribute to the online destruction of a (allegedly) closeted gay married [Read More]
Southside With You Ya, I don’t think so. This is more like it.
And artist ventured into the woods alone to film herself hanging naked from a tree in some sort of rope apparatus. Her concept soon became a fight for survival when [Read More]
Mosque stampede that injured over 80 people blamed on mouse It was the holiest night of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. Officials say that the injured were mostly women [Read More]
Here are ten screenshots from a video where they asked women to do word association with the word abortion. Can you spot the women who were pro-life as opposed to [Read More]
All the women on the right are pro-life. All the women on the left are pro-death. Video HERE. ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.