Keith Uberdouche Out of Another Job
ESPN has announced they won’t be renewing the brilliant, unparalleled talent, Keith Olbermann. Why are audiences too stupid to recognize how talented this guy is? It’s an enigma.
ESPN has announced they won’t be renewing the brilliant, unparalleled talent, Keith Olbermann. Why are audiences too stupid to recognize how talented this guy is? It’s an enigma.
Reader Joe was the one who lodged the complaint. Click more to see what Facebook is cool with. Joe says he’s dropping Facebook. Keep in mind, Facebook routinely puts accounts [Read More]
The feds finally figured out that their flowing spigot of student loans and aid are causing a rise in college tuition costs. This is what we mean about the left being [Read More]
Obama has just signed a new law that gives HUD the power over local zoning boards so that section 8 housing can be forced into white upscale neighborhoods. Obama’s theory is [Read More]
The winner is TAMMY BALDWIN of Wisconsin- Media Trackers – Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) says the 1st Amendment’s religious liberty protections don’t apply to individuals. On MSNBC last week, Wisconsin’s [Read More]
” Ideologies are not defeated by guns. They’re defeated with better ideas.” See his analysis HERE
The word “WHITE” sends leftists running like a Chinese fire drill. The word can mean anything. The man is from White Mountain, New Hampshire. Check his other arm, maybe it [Read More]
Hahaha. Australia’s MP, liberal Dennis Jensen, is not buying the “settled science” crapola being barked by the IPCC and their lackeys. He wants an audit of the climate model claims [Read More]
The left sucks at competition. They were born that way. Ever since I was a kid I’ve noticed that the kid who whines about “fairness” is the kid that stinks at [Read More]
Washington Times A Nobel laureate who supported President Obama in his first presidential campaign now says the Democratic president is “dead wrong” on global warming. “I think Obama is a [Read More]
Author unknown- I envy Kevin. My brother, Kevin, thinks God lives under his bed. At least that’s what I heard him say one night. He was praying out loud in [Read More]
Pampers commercial
There’s a picture going around of Hillary sitting in her parent’s house with a glimpse of a confederate flag in the background. It makes for a great gotcha if it [Read More]
But it’s Faux News that lies, right? This is like having a body cam on a cop and having the perp busted for absolutely lying about the police encounter. Toronto [Read More]
Ezra Levant: See, in North America, we argue over whether or not bakeries should be compelled to bake gay wedding cakes. In much of the Muslim world, the gay rights [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.