Articles by BFH
How Sad For Jessica Lange?
Bruce is a Jessica Lange look-alike, only much, much hotter. No wonder Sam Shepard was drunk driving. (Ya, ya, I know they’re not married anymore. Don’t ruin my joke.)
What Do You Do When You’re A Social Justice Warrior But You Have Nothing To Complain About?
You just make sh*t up, that’s what you do. Remember this black woman who did a TED talk about being fat. She claimed a guy on the subway yelled in [Read More]
Animal Rights Advocate Goes Apesh*t
Arguing in court for the right of apes to have personhood, lawyer Steven Wise drew an analogy with slavery. The Daily Caller: “We argue that both as a matter of liberty [Read More]
Trigger Warning
I’m not even going to describe this 8 second clip of Obama. It has to be heard to be believed. But this is a warning. It will have a triggering [Read More]
Asians Have Certainly Mastered the Art of the 2 1/2 Minute Commercial
I’d rather watch these than Aloha.
End of the Line
A Vine clip is all over social media. It’s not great optics for Hillary. She tells an autograph seeker to go to the end of the line. Townhall spoiled the fun. [Read More]
Caitlyn Jenner
So, Bruce wants to be called Caitlyn and the left tells me he is really a woman. Let’s examine this ridiculousness a little further, shall we? Bruce says he’s still attracted [Read More]
He’s One Tough Sumnab!tch
Getting back into the cockpit after you were killed in a plane crash is probably the scariest thing you’ll ever do while you’re dead. link
The Narcissism of Transgenderitis
These quotes in a Daily Mail article sums up the mental illness aspect of transgenderitis rather nicely. Aspiring model realised she was transgender by ACCIDENT after dressing up in hot [Read More]
Gay Celebrity Bull Saved From Slaughter Has Evolved
There was a bull in England named Benjy that wasn’t performing his studly duties, so he was slated for slaughter. There was a campaign to save him, spearheaded by a [Read More]
Now ISIS Will Cut Off Your Head and Carry It To Your ATM Machine
China developing ATM with face recognition