Articles by Claudia
Random iOTWr Critters
Images from: 1) Marco (Miguel) My daughter’s young cat.2) Marco (Miguel and Frankie) My daughter’s young cat and her old dog.3) SNS (Duke)4) Old Guy (Violet) taking a rest after [Read More]
Should Trump Trust an Outdoor Inauguration …
… with the security run by the same people who have been trying to destroy him for all these years; the Secret Service and FBI?
Are You An Organ Donor?
Listen to this doctor discuss the term “Brain Dead” and the harvesting of organs for transplant. It’s a long video, but the first 20 minutes deals with this discussion. The [Read More]
Unique Critters
Images from: 1) even steven (Paco)2) Jethro (Chicks) pictures from my brother’s little farmette in WV.3) Jethro (Dog and Cow) pictures from my brother’s little farmette in WV.4) Jethro (Goats) [Read More]
The Ridiculousness of Modern-day Headlights
Lady complains about the ridiculousness of modern-day headlights. Watch HERE. It’s the LED Headlights. Read about it HERE. h/t BevWky
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine Set to Veto Controversial ‘Medical Free Speech’ Policy
In a press conference Friday, the governor said he intends to line-item veto a provision of House Bill 315. The provision states that the Department of Health and state medical [Read More]
Amish From Pennsylvania Build Tiny Homes in Boone, N.C.
Luc Henry said he is helping to build 12 tiny homes located in the parking lot of Cornerstone Summit Church. Henry says when he saw the homes being built, he [Read More]
Green New Scam
Trump states he is going to terminate the Green New Scam.
Happy New Year
Images from: 1,2) Pexels.com3) Unsplash.com4,5,6) To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to: INCLUDE: NEEDED: If your picture is for any of [Read More]
Seth Gruber About Abortion
Abortion is Satan’s sacrament. Abortion says, “You must die so I can live”. But Christ said no, “I must die so you can live.”