Articles by Claudia
“Jingle Bells” Bird and Poor Doggie
h/t Jethro
Memories and Traditions
“Christmas Memories, Christmas Traditions” by Mary M. Isaacs. View HERE.
It’s Christmas Time!
Images from: 1) Jethro (Ho-Ho) My daughter just sent me this photo of her gerbil “Ho-Ho” (not kidding) dressed in an elf hat that her friend gave to her. He [Read More]
A Joyous Moment Wrapping Christmas Gifts
I’ve seen this about ten times and I’m still laughing. Watch till the end!
The CR Is Most Likely DEAD
Elon Musk and X have been posting all day that we will primary any Republican that votes for the bill. Watch the report HERE!
Not-So-Instant Replay
This is a song that Fur posted years ago. I fell in love with it and purchased a few of their CDs. Watch Cloverton’s “Christmas Hallelujah” HERE.
Wayback Critter Machine from 2018
“This Is Where I Belong” Images from: 1 Claudia (Ivan)2 Sturge3 William (Lexie)4 NoMoBo (Rags, Molly, Caledonia)5 Reiuxcat6 Rando (HouseCat #3)7 Poor Lazlo (Angus)8 Miss Conduct9 Dee10 Little Sis (Pistol)11 [Read More]
What Happened to Mike Johnson?
He is actually making sense and whipping the snot out of Mayorkas! Watch the beatdown HERE.
Christmas Bells
The 1863 poem “Christmas Bells” was written by the American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow during the four years of the Civil War (from 1861 to 1865). He began writing the [Read More]
The Wonder of Winter
Images from: 1) Claudia (Tracks) In snow.2) Claudia (Wiskers) It’s January! She is wondering where the snow is.3) Claudia (Pistol) Watching the chipmunks eating the seeds that the birds fling [Read More]
RIP Earl Holliman
He was 96. Read about him HERE.
COVID mRNA Injections Are Causing Cancer
“Kevin [McKernan] is the one who found the simian virus 40 promoter [in the mRNA COVID-injection vials], which is a little plasmid. He found DNA contamination in the Pfizer vaccines,” [Read More]
Who Is “They”?
Who wants to keep Ukraine to continue to poke Russia into escalating the war? Watch it HERE.
Random iOTWr Critters
Received many submissions (thanks, SNS!), so will use them all … in later Random Critters Post or maybe another one if they fit the theme! Images from: 1) Tim-FJB (Buglet) [Read More]