Articles by Claudia
That Was The Reason You Left
This Army cadence starts out with the list of reasons they left home to join the Army. Of all the videos that we see of them joyfully returning home to [Read More]
Love Is In the Air
Images from: 1) bluebird of bitterness (Rachel and Oscar)2) Truckbuddy (Sammy) With a pink toy.3) Mansfield Lovell (Augie)4) Paul5) Conservative Cowgirl (George)6) Sturge7) oolook (Skipper)8) Tim (Walking Sticks) in Romantic [Read More]
Our Silence and Compliance Becomes Our Consent To Be Ruled
Great video (1.5 hours) regarding the US Constitution and unlawful laws that we are empowered by the Constitution to not follow. Not only are we to not follow them, we [Read More]
“You Literally Destroyed My Life Because I Asked Appropriate Questions”
A video of a woman confronting the CBC “journalists” in Ottawa: h/t Dadof4 Real people confronting the so-called journalists for their actions. Here is another one:
The Decepticon Variant Hobo 19 Is Still Killing Fat People
Better Bill Back, Bill Back Bitter Better … YOU say it three times fast, pal!
Was That the Dinner Bell?
Images from: 1) Buster Brown (Puppies!) Newest litter of doxie puppies.2) NAAC (Bald Eagles and Magpie) up near the top of the Deep Creek Road that leads to White Sulphur [Read More]
Mantra to Get Through Maine Winters
h/t Little Sis Watch video HERE.
Who’s Shadow Is That?
Images from: 1) Bayouwulf (Ernie and Penny) trying to stay warm on a chilly, damp day. They most definitely appear to be looking for their shadow!2) NAAC (Kilo and Logan) [Read More]
Flint (Michigan) Public Schools Received $50,000 PER STUDENT In COVID Funds.
Sorry. This is a report from CNN. If you don’t want to see it, here is the synopsis and comment from the person who tweeted it (Tori Sachs, the Executive [Read More]
Sad News
ghost of brig gen j glover passed away today. A very sweet man, he was a reader for some time who is precious to many of us as we met [Read More]
The Navy’s Newest Ship
USS Joe Biden
You’re My Buddy
Images from: 1) Buster Brown (Ernie and Everett) Best Buddies.2) Buster Brown (Friends) Starting at the top going clockwise Landon, Millie, Kippa, and Cassie.3) Buster Brown (Raymond) leading his ducks.4) [Read More]