Janet Reno fired U.S. Attorney Sessions 25 years ago
With all the brouhaha over the recent firing of 46 Obama Era U.S. Attorneys being, lets take a look back to the Clinton administration and who lost their job when Democrats [Read More]
With all the brouhaha over the recent firing of 46 Obama Era U.S. Attorneys being, lets take a look back to the Clinton administration and who lost their job when Democrats [Read More]
I hated it the first time I saw it. Out of context, depicting what in reality would be suicidal and just plain stupidly smug, the “Fearless Girl of Wall Street” was installed last week to stare [Read More]
Remy demonstrates how CNN put the fake spin on its stories to get the narrative they want. Watch
A young woman with a microphone asks you to give the definition of “mansplaining.” Do you give an honest answer or just wait for her to “femsplain” why you couldn’t possibly know because you’re male? [Read More]
Reza Aslan, host of a new CNN series “Believer” hung out with an obscure Hindu sect, which served him grilled human brains and had him drink from a skull. The episode is, which focused sect of Hinduism [Read More]
Bluexit is what this Kevin Baker calls it in “The New Republic.” Liberal states simply going their own way. No shooting, no yelling, just “uncoupling” from the red states to [Read More]
On March 9-11 1977 a Nation of Islam splinter group, the Hadafi Movement, held 150 people hostage and killed two people at the D.C. city hall building. Most of their [Read More]
The host of the rarely watched late night faux news/comedy program “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee” did a typical progressive segment on CPAC recently that declared men at the event [Read More]
Family lore had it that during WWII a Nazi fighter plane had gone down on the Kristiansen farm in Denmark. Daniel Kristiansen’s dad thought it would be a neat idea for a [Read More]
In a meeting between the president and the leaders of various Conservative groups at the WH on Tuesday, the very real potential of just letting Ryan’s bill die and Obamacare [Read More]
Anyone else looking forward to two more phases of health care reform after this tepid piece of nothing rolled out by Republicans in the House this week? Bill Whittle’s Right [Read More]
Our military medical personnel train on human simulators in preparation for war injuries, they also train on live goats and pigs. The animals are anesthetized, injured, treated, then finally euthanized [Read More]
In order to avoid more serious federal charges and jail time, John Steele, one of the senior members of Prenda Law has plead guilt to “conspiracy to commit mail fraud [Read More]
In solidarity with the “Day Without Women” Birmingham, Alabama’s Hot 107.7 will only be playing songs by men trying to get laid today. More
A couple of NYU profs did a little experiment when they recreated their version of the presidential debates. Watch I expect the democrats will be consulting with these two professors [Read More]
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