Hasta La Vista, Lionfish
An invasive species along our Atlantic Coast and Caribbean, the lionfish is a prolific apex predator that eats so much it gets fatty liver disease. Introduced by humans, it is [Read More]
An invasive species along our Atlantic Coast and Caribbean, the lionfish is a prolific apex predator that eats so much it gets fatty liver disease. Introduced by humans, it is [Read More]
A couple were attending a Yankee’s game recently, when the boyfriend proposed to his sweet heart in front of the cameras and all the world to see. Only he [Read More]
A new herbal coffee from Malaysia is calling itself the “relationship saver” because it contains components that closely resemble the active ingredient in Viagra. Stiff Bull comes with an FDA warning [Read More]
Called Fear VR, it’s suppose to be the next generation of Halloween scary experiences. Except, there’s no haunted house or actors jumping out at you. Instead, customers are strapped into a wheelchair, a [Read More]
It’s been 48 years since Tommie Smith and John Carlos gave the black power salute on the awards podium of the 1968 Olympics. They’ve remained controversial ever since, so the [Read More]
In what appears to be an attempt to recruit voluntary censors, YouTube has rolled out what it is calling its “Heroes” program. Those that participate remain unpaid, but are granted [Read More]
Preston Bluntson was reportedly drunk and abusive on a two hour flight from Milwaukee, WI to Charlotte, NC Saturday when he started to direct his vitriol towards Sheriff David Clarke who was [Read More]
University of Wisconsin, La Crosse created a “bia/hate reporting” system ten years ago. This last year the “hate response team” received 192 complaints. Among those was a student who felt [Read More]
I was down yesterday with some kind of flu bug and ended up surfing YouTube in the afternoon. That’s when I happened upon some videos by millennial Chris Ray Gun. I thought [Read More]
I’m sure by now that you’ve seen a segment or two on Josh Weeden’s Save the Day “Important” ad. It’s three minutes of celebrities calling Trump a racist as well [Read More]
Any economist will tell you that incentives matter and disincentives stifle economic activity. So when Donald Trump proposes cutting regulations, reforming the corporate tax rate to encourage re-investment at home, freeing up [Read More]
The Department of Energy should be the first unnecessary agency to be closed. See how Here
Arizona Solar One LLC was recently accessed a $1.5 million fine for violations of air quality regulations at its Solana Generating Station in Gila Bend. More So much for “clean [Read More]
ABC has reportedly acquired the rights to 80s iconic Hawaiian detective series, “Magnum PI” and will re-launch it with Magnum’s daughter taking up her daddies work. More I look forward [Read More]
Declaring that they too must be allowed on school grounds after hours due to the 2001 Supreme Court ruling in Good News Club v. Milford Central School, the Satanic Temple [Read More]
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