Dr. Tar – Page 728 – IOTW Report

HHS Sued Over Transgender Mandate

Thursday, 25 August 2016, 16:15 Dr. Tar 2

What ever happened to the directive “First, do no harm?” According to Health and Human Services all doctors who take federal money have to “perform gender transition procedures on adults [Read More]

Friday’s Joy

Thursday, 25 August 2016, 14:45 Dr. Tar 9

An amateur prospect in Australia has found a gold nugget that weighs in at 4.1kg or 144.6 ounces with his metal detector.  The solid chunk of gold, named Friday’s Joy, is expected to fetch upwards of $190,000 [Read More]

Hey Leftist, Leave Those Kids Alone

Wednesday, 24 August 2016, 14:45 Dr. Tar 17

Two researchers from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine have looked at the scientific research on “sexual orientation, gender identity, and LGBT health.”  Their findings call in to question many of the assumptions [Read More]


Tuesday, 23 August 2016, 17:45 Dr. Tar 7

The comic book version of Peter Schweizer’s “Clinton Cash” debuted on the NYT best seller list for graphic novels.  It’s an Amazon best seller in “biography and historical graphic novel” [Read More]

Original Recipe

Tuesday, 23 August 2016, 17:00 Dr. Tar 34

The Chicago Tribune believes that it has found a copy of Colonel Sanders unique mix of 11 herbs and spices that was the foundation of the Kentucky Fried Chicken empire. A [Read More]

As Obamacare Flat Lines

Monday, 22 August 2016, 19:15 Dr. Tar 10

The Hill reports that the insurance marketplace created by the Affordable Care Act is rapidly becoming a system of haves and have-nots. Southern states and rural communities are finding their [Read More]

Jennifer, You Ignorant Slut

Monday, 22 August 2016, 15:04 Dr. Tar 5

I’m going to fisk Jennifer Rubin’s (Washington Post) recent piece she titled, “Here’s what African Americans have to lose if Trump is elected.” Rubin’s piece Here Where to begin? Better start with your [Read More]

Three American Questions

Sunday, 21 August 2016, 17:00 Dr. Tar 32

Krist Novoselic (former bassist for Nirvana), and former Congressmen Bob Inglis (R-NC) and Bob Baird (D-WA) think they’ve come up with three questions that will utterly destroy Donald Trump’s run [Read More]

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