#Heterosexual Pride Day Declared On Twitter
As we near the end of LGBT Pride month, some wag on Twitter thought it would be clever to declare yesterday #Heterosexual Pride Day. The storm of virtue signals took [Read More]
As we near the end of LGBT Pride month, some wag on Twitter thought it would be clever to declare yesterday #Heterosexual Pride Day. The storm of virtue signals took [Read More]
I was driving home this after noon after running up to Duluth, MN for a new pair of glasses and a weed whacker among other items (its the nearest city of [Read More]
In remarks yesterday, Hillary Clinton reminded the world how good she was back in the 70s trading cattle futures. I’m not sure if she’s trying to distract attention from the [Read More]
A recent batch of leaked e-mails from the Democrats portrays the Clinton campaign trying its best to keep the media away from the their candidate. One of the people they [Read More]
The Federalist isolates and explains eight of the best points from Justice Thomas’ dissent to yesterday’s SCOTUS ruling that tossed out the Texas laws trying to regulate the practices of [Read More]
The Daily Caller has looked into the track record of, BKD, the chief auditing firm for the Clinton Foundation and found a troubled history. A regional accounting firm, has been described [Read More]
The 800 page preliminary report from the House Select Committee on Benghazi is out today and provides a scathing review of the performance of Hillary Clinton’s State Department and the [Read More]
Singapore International Airlines flight SQ 368 turned around after getting an engine oil light warning two hours into its flight. Good thing, because the wing caught fire once they were [Read More]
At last count there were 15 members of Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn’s “shadow cabinet” who had resigned their post since the party’s inability to stave off the Brexit referendum to [Read More]
Showing up near the Stonewall Inn in her best (so far) Dr. Evil outfit, Hillary Clinton got out of her campaign van and managed to drag her carcass four [Read More]
HeatStreet: The 4 Chan Bots represent the ultimate failure of the Remainstream Media. The BBC’s desperate shilling for Remain will come under increasing scrutiny as we exclusively reveal that the [Read More]
The nonprofit that collects money from donors then distributes it to “advance a common good,” The United Way, has roughly 76 affiliates that direct funds to Planned Parenthood. Annually, these local offices have [Read More]
At accommodations cost of between $3,000-$8,000 per person, Democrats selected to be delegates to their convention in Philadelphia are turning to crowd funding to pay for their stay. Most [Read More]
The African Grey Parrot, Bud, was in the house when his owner, Martin Duram, was shot five times and killed. His wife Glenna was shot in the head and survived. Every once [Read More]
The FDA has approved a new device that lets a person drain the contents of their stomach straight into the toilet. Basically, once the AspireAssist is installed, one merely opens [Read More]
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