Dr. Tar – Page 760 – IOTW Report

Lights Out for CFL Bulbs

Tuesday, 16 February 2016, 19:00 Dr. Tar 28

GE announced at the beginning of this month that they will discontinue production of the hated compact florescent light bulbs (CFL) at the end of the year. The news was [Read More]

Love Is Huge

Monday, 15 February 2016, 16:30 Dr. Tar 2

The theme this year for Madison’s Winter Festival snow sculpture contest was St. Valentine’s Day.  Artist David Andrews created a very good likeness of Donald Trump as a cupid for his [Read More]

Robots Follow Marco to S. C.

Monday, 15 February 2016, 15:45 Dr. Tar 11

It started in New Hampshire after Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) was called out by Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ) for repeating the same talking point during the debates. Leftist PAC American [Read More]

Want Lead With That Burger, Ronald?

Sunday, 14 February 2016, 16:03 Dr. Tar 22

Fugitive, Ronald Barawis was seen at a McDonald’s drive thru in Hilo, HI  just after midnight Saturday morning.   Ramming his vehicle into a police officer’s car, Mr. Barawis went out Bonnie [Read More]

Who’s Responsible For Libya?

Sunday, 14 February 2016, 14:30 Dr. Tar 4

The ConservativeTreeHouse provides an interesting narrative of events leading up to Obama’s intervention against Gaddafi.   While the President is ultimately responsible for the actions of his administration, the piece [Read More]

Scarborourgh Err

Thursday, 11 February 2016, 22:15 Dr. Tar 14

Donald Trump is a master of working the media.  It’s a symbiotic relationship that both sides thrive on mutually. But the host of “Morning Joe”, Joe Scarborough is starting to be [Read More]

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