Rhetorical Question of the Day
Which person do you think would handle $45 billion more wisely, The man who generated the wealth in the first place or the man who wants to redistribute it? [Read More]
Which person do you think would handle $45 billion more wisely, The man who generated the wealth in the first place or the man who wants to redistribute it? [Read More]
Carrying on the long tradition of Bill Proxmire’s (WI D) Golden Fleece awards and Tom Coburn’s (OK R) Wastebook, Senator James Lankford (OK R) has produced this year’s list of government programs [Read More]
The writer should be asking herself how she could have been so dumb as to vote for this fraud, twice. Read Be sure savor the comments on this one, they aren’t [Read More]
Here’s an interesting read on seven reasons Donald Trump has been in the lead among Republican presidential candidates since entering the race. Here Those considering running in the future should [Read More]
The Japanese are coming off a one year hiatus, after losing an International Court of Justice ruling in 2014, by launching a fleet of one processing and three hunting vessels for [Read More]
On his first hunt, ten-year-old Kyler Verbeten took two deer with one bullet. More
Barack Obama has a tendency to find a favorite phrase and then pound it to death in his public utterance. The Washington Free Beacon has him saying the same thingAll [Read More]
In a blatant act of committing an utterly meaningless feel-good gesture, a Muslim man stood at one of the spots where Terrorists murdered innocent Parisians, blindfolded himself, and then challenged bystanders to give [Read More]
The only think consistent about news stories framed by the left is that if they can link a Conservative value to a murderous act they don’t hesitate for a nanosecond, [Read More]
It was 49 years ago tonight that the Great Lakes ore freighter, The Daniel J. Morrell sunk on Lake Huron. Unlike the more famous Edmunds Fitzsgerald, there was one survivor [Read More]
Ravi Zacharia, gives a 42 minute lecture on the illogic of Islam when held up next to Christianity. At the 25:11 mark he tells a story of how to explain [Read More]
A new training video shows Islamic State recruits being toughened up by playing leap frog and getting kicked in the nuts. The best I can figure, the whole human pyramid thing [Read More]
Robert Lewis Dear, the man arrested for the recent shooting at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood, must be the worse spree killer in history. Not a single employee or patient of the abortion [Read More]
Britain’s Parliament approved airstrikes against ISIS on Friday with a 524-43 vote. Going after The Islamic State is fine, but the Brits had better watch their own back while they fulfill [Read More]
He’s better than the last two jokers the Republican Party ran for President. But here are a few short specifics on presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz (TX-R). More See His [Read More]
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