Hockenberry Has Had Enough With 9/11 Remembrances
Longtime staple of the leftist media (NPR and ABC), John Hockenberry wrote a commentary last week on why he’s grown weary of the memorial services and the reliving of 9/11. “I’m [Read More]
Longtime staple of the leftist media (NPR and ABC), John Hockenberry wrote a commentary last week on why he’s grown weary of the memorial services and the reliving of 9/11. “I’m [Read More]
Stephen Moore tells the tragic tale of a once great state that overburdened itself with self- serving politicians who have paid off their state employee union vote with other people’s [Read More]
Obama and company get the “Airplane” treatment when David Zucker does a send up of the Nuke agreement with Iran. Watch
Purported comedienne, Nicole Arbour, stirred the furies of the internet by posting a 6 minute routine on the need for Fat Shaming. It received millions of hits, but plenty of complaints, so [Read More]
George Gilder proposes we should go back on the Gold Standard. Not because of gold’s intrinsic value, but because the TIME it takes to mine and refine gold is a known value. Rather [Read More]
Two men have stepped forward to formally claim they have found a train loaded with valuables that was hidden by the Nazi at the close of WWII. They have published two [Read More]
Just as the pundits have started noticing the collapse of Scott Walker’s (WI-R) poll numbers in Iowa, the Democrat front runner shows up in Wisconsin with harsh words for the [Read More]
I have to admit, it’s genius. It’s incredibly smart because it plays to his strengths and it cuts into Obama’s monopoly over the lofo voters. Watch
Anyone who got an eyeful of the spectacle they made of the Kim Davis release from jail this week should take note who took center stage. Mike Huckabee (AR-R). Behind [Read More]
There were 12.7 million people signed up for Obamacare in 2015, by the end of June there were 9.9 million left. That means roughly 1 in 4 people either dropped their Obamacare [Read More]
At a cost of $41.8 million we managed to train 54 fighters to go back into Syria and take on the Islamic State. Reports in July indicate that the entire [Read More]
To provide for a moratorium on Federal funding for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. The bill is sponsored by Representative Diane Black (R-TN) and it detaches PP funding from other appropriations, [Read More]
James Robertson became internet famous a few months ago when it was reported he was walking 20 miles a day in order to keep his factory job. A crowd [Read More]
When asked by investigators how she over-billed the State Department for time she was on vacation, Huma Abedin blamed her husband, Anthony Weiner. conservativeviewpoint.com Huma received a $33,000 from the [Read More]
Motorhead, the band that made facial moles a heavy metal accessory, has now introduced its own line of sex toys. I’m just surprised KISS didn’t think of this first. More [Read More]
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