MJA – Page 3724 – IOTW Report

Gone Ho!

Saturday, 6 August 2016, 1:00 MJA 9

OC: It’s not uncommon for Chinese businessmen and high ranking officials to signal their status by maintaining a mistress, and with the country’s economy growing at a rapid pace, it’s no [Read More]

New Metaphor Challenge

Friday, 5 August 2016, 23:00 MJA 30

This is a clinical test. We’re interested in your first reaction after viewing the image below. Please record your information honestly and accurately. We will study your responses for a [Read More]

Sasha’s summer job

Friday, 5 August 2016, 18:30 MJA 26

PatriotRetort: Say, did you know that Sasha Obama took a summer job? Yup! She sure did. She wanted to see how the other half lived. Okay, actually, it wasn’t a [Read More]

‘Zipper Merge’ Study

Friday, 5 August 2016, 16:15 MJA 12

From Ninetyninth Squad Leader at The Bullpen: Tantalizing concept with the promise to make one wonder exactly what is a “zipper merge” study. Alas dear readers, it’s not what you may [Read More]

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