MJA – Page 3811 – IOTW Report

Hillary’s coughing again

Sunday, 5 June 2016, 7:00 MJA 24

AM: Hillary Clinton had another coughing fit today — when she wasn’t even talking. Clinton was attending an event on immigration reform in Sylmar, California when it broke out. A [Read More]

No Such Thing As Equality

Sunday, 5 June 2016, 0:00 MJA 7

BCN:Is there a more brain-dead concept than to empower the government to fight “income inequality”? What sane, normal, rational human being thinks that human talent, drive, interests and opportunity can [Read More]

This is reprehensible

Saturday, 4 June 2016, 23:30 MJA 11

PatriotRetort: Jake Tapper interviewed Hillary Clinton yesterday on The Lead and he asked her about the violent riots outside of Trump’s rallies, and Hillary’s response is flat-out reprehensible. You can [Read More]

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