MJA – Page 3814 – IOTW Report

More Gay Sex, More STDs

Thursday, 2 June 2016, 14:45 MJA 8

MB: The endless promotion of homosexuality by the progressive social engineers in charge of most everything is having its intended effect: “People over time are reporting more same-sex sexual experiences [Read More]

Never Mind Never Trump

Thursday, 2 June 2016, 14:00 MJA 5

This election boils down to SCOTUS picks. Do you want Hillary picking them or Trump? Read below for a little exercise you can do to help you make your decision. [Read More]

Up next: WiFi Fatwa

Thursday, 2 June 2016, 9:30 MJA 8

TheStar: A Saudi scholar issued a fatwa against using another person’s Wi-Fi without permission, since theft cannot be tolerated in Islam. “Taking advantage of the Wi-Fi service illegally or without [Read More]

Party like it’s 1399

Thursday, 2 June 2016, 7:15 MJA 4

Iranian college students given 99 lashes for coed party. [SNIP: In San Francisco, they have to pay up front for that to happen. But, whatever. Continue…] ArutzSheva: Dozens of students [Read More]

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