Climate spin doctor took charge after professors’ ‘mistake’ called for prosecuting skeptics – IOTW Report

Climate spin doctor took charge after professors’ ‘mistake’ called for prosecuting skeptics

WT: In the days after 20 professors fired off a letter urging President Obama to investigate climate skeptics for suspected federal racketeering charges, the climate change movement went into full damage-control mode.

Philip Newell, creative media manager of the public relations firm Climate Nexus, described the Sept. 1 letter as “a big mistake,” advising activists and scientists to downplay the prosecution angle and spin the story away from individuals and toward fossil fuel companies, according to emails obtained Wednesday by The Washington Times.

He cited reports on the skeptics’ website, Climate Audit, saying that although it “isn’t a site to be worried about, it’s definitely looking like this issue isn’t going to go away, even if you remove the letter, which I hear has been done and I would say is a big mistake.”

The letter was first posted on the Institute for Global Environment and Security website and then reportedly removed, but was then posted on other websites.  MORE

3 Comments on Climate spin doctor took charge after professors’ ‘mistake’ called for prosecuting skeptics

  1. If there is any “Green” organization that needs a RICO investigation it is the Church of Climate Scientology.
    Algore Frollo the head architect.
    Deserving of prosecution/persecution, perhaps the hunchback Bern can push him from a bell tower.

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