Hillary Clinton’s chief email defense is false – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton’s chief email defense is false

WT: Hillary Clinton’s chief defense of her email behavior is that she tried to forward her messages so they were captured by the State Department — but a Washington Times analysis found she clearly did that only a quarter of the time when she was corresponding with someone outside the department.

More often than not, when Mrs. Clinton was exchanging thoughts or policy memos with outsiders, their correspondence ended up in the digital black hole of her secret email system and were never forwarded to anyone else in the State Department.

Although dozens of her top aides knew about her private email, they kept it secret from the State Department office charged with handling open records requests, meaning those staffers didn’t know how to find her messages — effectively shielding them from public view for nearly six years.  MORE

7 Comments on Hillary Clinton’s chief email defense is false

  1. Hillary has stated many things in public over the last year or two that are sufficiently incriminating by themselves. She stated, quite explicitly, that every single non-personal email had been given to the State Dept. This isn’t like the OJ case, where there was plenty of evidence but you and I weren’t privy to it unless we were sitting in the courtroom, we all heard her perjure herself and acknowledge that to do what she actually did was criminal. It’s time to act.

  2. “… her top aides knew about her private email, they kept it secret from the State Department …”

    Pure, unabashed, BULLSHIT.
    Obola knew.
    State Dept. knew.
    She knew.
    Her staff knew.
    The people with whom she was committing Treason knew.

    Everybody kept quiet because they assumed there’d be enough to go around.
    Everybody got paid.

    The only ones in the dark, as usual, are the sovereigns of the United States – We, the People.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. We have all laughed cynically at the observation that you can always tell when a pol is lying because his lips are moving. In this case, HER lips. It is sobering to consider that in Dead-Eye’s case it just might literally be true.

  4. Hideous Witch
    I bet as this unwinds we get to see:
    Bill have/fake a Heart attack
    Hilary quits the race to ‘take care’ of Bill
    Biden steals the Nom from Sanders, picks either Warren, or Batman
    Bernie starts the Socialist Party
    Trump taunts Biden into foul language tirade at the first debate
    VP debate ends early as Trump’s VP pick uses facts to make Warren cry and flee the stage, calling for Papaw

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