MJA – Page 3893 – IOTW Report

I respectfully disagree

Saturday, 12 March 2016, 18:00 MJA 27

Patriot Retort: I am on record endorsing Senator Ted Cruz for President. Among those remaining in the race, I believe he is the most conservative. Therefore, I have endorsed him. [Read More]

“Rage Yoga”

Saturday, 12 March 2016, 7:00 MJA 9

Unconventional “Rage Yoga” Involves Screaming, Swearing and Beer. OC: ‘Rage Yoga’ sounds like an oxymoron, but it’s actually all the rage in Calgary right now thanks to unconventional yoga instructor Lindsay [Read More]

Well, How Many Are There?

Friday, 11 March 2016, 15:30 MJA 48

TheWeeklyStandard: Friday morning, Ben Carson endorsed Donald Trump. During the press conference, a reporter asked, when Carson “says there are two Donald Trumps, do you agree with that characterization and [Read More]

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