Avenatti Stops Fighting Criminal Charges – IOTW Report

Avenatti Stops Fighting Criminal Charges

Fox News

Michael Avenatti, the former lawyer for porn star Stormy Daniels, has reportedly decided to plead guilty in the remaining criminal cases against him. 

Avenatti is charged with 36 counts of fraud, embezzlement, perjury, failure to pay taxes, and other financial-related crimes. More

6 Comments on Avenatti Stops Fighting Criminal Charges

  1. …the good news is, when the Democrats need a replacement creepy, perverted White man for Pretendident, they’re gonna know where to find one for a good, long time…

  2. “Avenatti is charged with 36 counts of fraud, embezzlement, perjury, failure to pay taxes, and other financial-related crimes. “
    …but since he is a prominent Anti-Trumper, all charges will be dropped and an apology issued by the court.

  3. AAH – VAHH – NAHH – TEE

    Had delusions of grandeur
    He was not only going to
    shake down a billionaire

    But he was going to enure onto himself
    at least partial credit for his downfall
    and thereby reap the accolades and publish
    as many autobiographies as the lord god
    hosanna obama the magnificent.

    Well, things worked out different and he’s
    disbarred and going to prison.

    Altho his client was just as big a fool,
    she has a nice body.


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