Avenatti’s Co-Conspirator Mark Geragos Is a CNN Contributor, Kamala Harris Donor – IOTW Report

Avenatti’s Co-Conspirator Mark Geragos Is a CNN Contributor, Kamala Harris Donor

WFB: Lawyer Michael Avenatti’s co-conspirator in his alleged attempt to extort more than $20 million from Nike is CNN contributor and Democratic donor Mark Geragos, a lawyer who has gained celebrity for defending the likes of pop star Michael Jackson for child molestation, actor Jussie Smolett when he claimed to be victim in a hate crime, and Chris Brown for assault.

Geragos was unnamed in the criminal complaint released Monday by federal prosecutors, but was with Avenatti during his March 19 New York City meeting with Nike, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Geragos is perhaps best known for his legal commentary on CNN, but he has also been a consistent donor for Democratic candidates.

He contributed over $5,000 to now-Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris when she was running to be reelected attorney general of California. MORE HERE

13 Comments on Avenatti’s Co-Conspirator Mark Geragos Is a CNN Contributor, Kamala Harris Donor

  1. Geragos was a cnn contributor. Seems like they already dropped him. Looks like the captain of the sinking ships are throwing that rats off hoping to save their own sorry asses.

  2. Down here, we call it Schadenfreudelicious.

    Avenatti and Geragos will make a great pair for Teddy Kenedy’s Thursday night poker parties. Hitler and Hoffa are becoming so tedious. 👿


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