AWD: AWD has recently found himself single as his former girlfriend decided to pursue other opportunities. So I’ve recently started circulating in the world of middle age singles. Yeah, lots of fun! It’s a jungle out there. And so difficult to find a good woman when all the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders have restraining orders out on me.

Tonight, AWD met a new potential for a drank and to see if there was any chemistry between us after a quick phone call to ensure she wasn’t Caitlyn Jenner. Here’s the dialogue of our meeting:

AWD: Hello, sweet cheeks! Did you enjoy the beautiful day? I rode my Harley all over celebrating our new President.

Filly: Oh no! Don’t tell me you’re a Trump fan!

AWD: Well, yes I am.

Filly: Be a Republican but not a Trump fan!

AWD: Well, I’m a Libertarian more than a Republican. But what is it you don’t like about Trump?

Filly: He’s just awful!

AWD: What do you mean by “awful?”

Filly: Well he hates women and is such a racist!

AWD: What has he said or done to make you believe he hates women and what has he said or done to make you believe he is a racist?



  1. A divorced buddy of mine met
    an old flame who was divorced
    from her millionaire hubby.
    She had turned into a nutty Trump
    hater and attacked my pal viciously
    every time Trump was brought up.
    End of that “romance”.

  2. My wife died in a car accident 20yrs ago. She was attractive, smart and had a hell of a sense of humor, we near constantly made each other laugh. She genuinely shared my love of touring the country on 2 wheels and with no kids or plans for such, that’s what we did with our $. A real woman all around. I haven’t “dated” since I met her 30yrs ago. Why should I waste my time with women who could never measure up to that.

  3. The classic Rudy Ray Moore insult for uppity women comes to mind. “Bitch, yo tits are hangin’ down like a shithouse bucket, and yo pussy’s so funky a dog wouldn’t suck it”

  4. I dated 2 women after Carolyn died of melanoma
    in 2000.The first turned out to be bi-polar
    and the second was greedy and selfish.She wanted
    me to sell my man cave and get rid of my sports
    car then move in with her and Momma then spent my
    evenings watching dancing with the stars.Most of the women I run into today are fat,tat’d and PSYCHO !

  5. It’s scary out there now, things have changed so much since I first got married 40 years ago. After my wife died 4 years ago I’ve found that there are not a lot of good women out there especially on all the dating sites, there’s a lot of desperate women out there and they scare me. And there is no way in hell I want a friend with benefits or a fuck buddy (my daughter actually told me what an eff buddy was, I had no idea, we used to call it shacking up), that’s just asking for trouble. What happened to all the good women?

  6. I got divorced in ’85 and spent 20-25 years trying to find a good match. You think it’s hard now?Before the internet you went to bars, singles meetings or ran ads in the paper. Women advertised themselves as attractive catches generally weren’t. And it was always the man who was expected to give them what they want and do the things they wanted to do. And if you wanted sex you did. They weren’t as “easy” as they are now.
    So many years and dollars wasted on the search that I should have spent elsewhere.
    If it wasn’t for sex men would have little need of women. You’ll discover that when your libido starts to wind down. Why do you think so many elderly get divorced?
    Those of you who found true love are really the lucky ones. Count your blessings.

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