Awkward: Liz Warren Interrupts People Eating in a Diner—Who Clearly Want Her to Leave Them Alone – IOTW Report

Awkward: Liz Warren Interrupts People Eating in a Diner—Who Clearly Want Her to Leave Them Alone

Elizabeth Warren doesn’t seem to realize that she is simply, like Hillary before her, unlikeable.

Her campaign is spiraling the drain.


Every presidential primary campaign is full of photo ops where candidates wander aimlessly into cafes and harass people trying to eat lunch or dinner. It’s inexplicable why anyone does this, and yet every four years, there they go again. This time it’s Elizabeth Warren insisting on talking to strangers who would rather continue chewing in peace. The body language these people are giving off is ice cold and yet Warren doesn’t seem to notice, nor do all the cameramen angling for a great shot of Warren being a regular person doing a thing no regular person would ever do.

48 Comments on Awkward: Liz Warren Interrupts People Eating in a Diner—Who Clearly Want Her to Leave Them Alone


    Did she expect people to jump out of their chairs, “OMG! It’s the screechy angry women on t.v. (gulp!) coming into OUR diner!”

    She tried to make small talk with a whole 14 people who could barely look up for 2 seconds and engage her.

    Don’t worry, the media will ZERO IN on a few smiling faces, black out the diner with 14 uninterested people and make her look like she just Liz from the trailer park just popping in to have some coffee.

    (Back in the van) “Don’t you EVER suggest another disaster like that without planting vetted supporters first!”

  2. Honestly. With the media and the liberal mobs nowadays, candidates shouldn’t show up and bother people like this. What if some Liz-fan starts looking that family up and harassing them because they didn’t show proper reverence to their supreme squaw?

    If they want to see you, they will come to your event. Don’t put people on the spot like that.
    The diner owners made a mistake as well.

  3. The smart thing to do is say hi to the kid and say what a lovely family and then move on to the counter and buy something to go and then GO. lol
    Then you’ll read about how down with the folks liz is. *gag*

  4. You can almost hear the people’s thoughts: “Don’t make eye contact…don’t make eye contact…”

    The waitresses were visibly pissed when they had to try and walk around her.

    My favorite part was when she waved goodbye and no one was looking at her, and no one was waving back. Hahahaha what a loser.

  5. The cover picture, I gotta ask,

    Is Liz Warren part ROMULAN? She better look at her DNA test results again, because a hair cut and some puffy shoulder pads, and she’s spot on.

    Jolan Tru, Liz of Boston!

  6. Before we left California, homeless people were starting to come into fast food restaurants and go from table to table begging for money (not food–we offered that) until the manager made them leave. That’s exactly what she reminds me of, and she’s just about as welcome. *snort!*

  7. Everything about this woman is pure cringe. From her 1976 Dorothy Hamil haircut, to her timid yet scolding voice, to her never ending supply of black pants and shirts and ugly cardigans. She looks and sounds like the school librarian who gets clowned on by the students until she cries. And those outfits. The men on the debate stage are in suits and she looks like she is headed for the early bird special at Golden Corral.

  8. …should have glanced at her briefly and said, “I don’t need it freshened up right now honey, thanks, why don’t you come back later”, then gone back to their personal conversation…

  9. @Principal Poop
    FEBRUARY 11, 2020 AT 10:24 AM
    “Completely unaware and lacking basic social skills. She’s not fully human.“

    Hey, come in now; she’s at least 1/1024th human, she was tested!

  10. …if the “coffee” line above doesn’t get rid of her, look back at her kind of exasperated and say “No necesito refrescarme ahora, cariño, gracias, ¿por qué no vuelves más tarde?”, slower and carefully enunciated, like you would a child or an idiot.

    …she’s really into cultural appropriation, so she’ll dig it…

  11. …and this is an excellent example of why JDHasty chooses a seat at the table with his back to the wall. I don’t like people walking around behind me and I really don’t like people hovering over me.

  12. I was hoping that someone would call her on all the idiotic things she has said and promises she makes during the debates. “Who do you think you are? The Chief of your tribe?”

  13. Dianny
    FEBRUARY 11, 2020 AT 12:59 PM
    “As welcome as a fart in an elevator”

    …if Buttgieg, Barry Soetoro, and San Fran Nan are in the elevator, a fart may be welcome indeed, reminding them of home and their reptilian pleasures there…

  14. What a horrible invasion of privacy! Unclear who took and posted the video, but Warren instigated it.

    Just because someone is “in public” doesn’t mean they intended to be viewable forever by millions on the internet.

  15. Reminds me of my second and third grade teacher, she disliked me, I hated her.
    Went home for the summer, she got married, Miss Phillips became Mrs. Crosby, never felt so betrayed.
    I actually tore down that school, true story.


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