AZ: Border Agents Encounter 95 illegal Aliens in Desert – IOTW Report

AZ: Border Agents Encounter 95 illegal Aliens in Desert

Breaking911: TUCSON, Ariz. – Ajo Station Border Patrol agents responded to a report early Saturday from a National Park Service ranger about a large group of illegal aliens approximately 8 miles west of the Lukeville Port of Entry.

When agents arrived at the location, they encountered 95 foreign nationals who crossed the border illegally. The group consisted of multiple families, ranging in age from 3 months to 60 years, from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.  MORE

8 Comments on AZ: Border Agents Encounter 95 illegal Aliens in Desert

  1. Cripes! How in the heck do 95 people slip across the border?! BP should know every foot of that border by now and where the crossings are! Hell’s bells, what in the world are we paying for, anyway?! Is the U.S. Border Patrol still swollen with obama holdovers who won’t do their jobs?

  2. Post military guards every 1000 feet. The border is roughly 2000 miles long. That’s 2000 miles x 5 guards x 3 shifts. That’s roughly 30,000 troops. That’s nothing for a secure border until the wall is built.


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