Babs Blames Trump For Her Weight Gain – IOTW Report

Babs Blames Trump For Her Weight Gain

HT/fdr in hell

52 Comments on Babs Blames Trump For Her Weight Gain

  1. Bad_Brad, it’s tough being a T.A.R.D., but that does remind me of the Lady Astor/Winston Churchill exchange:
    Lady Astor: “Mr. Churchill, you’re drunk!”
    Winston Churchill: “Yes, and you, Madam, are ugly. But tomorrow, I shall be sober.”

  2. Bid gun:
    Lady Astor to Churchill. If I was your wife I would poison you’re tea.
    Churchill to Lady Astor: If you were my wife I would drink it.

    Ever wonder how Mr. Pelosi feels?

  3. Can we all agree to stop apologizing for idiotic autocorrect on posts now? Happens all the time. If you’re in the zip code of sanity we know it’s them. Not you. Most are posting from mobile devices and sometimes it turns into qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm.

  4. Obviously, the Russians have hacked into her pantry and installed a DoD (Denial of Diet) virus.

    This could have been limited to the Russians. But now that she’s posted it on Twitter, every hacker in every mom’s basement across the country is gonna start shoveling flapjacks into her flap-hole. Because, you know, the Streisand Effect.

  5. Where in the world is Babs laying on the extra tonnage?

    I know she was on the list of those who promised to move out of the country if Trump was elected. If she’s still here she’s not only overweight but also a liar. It would be so nice if this obese liar was in another country and to heavy to fly back.

  6. But getting back to Barbra. Fish is brain food, they say, so Barbra should eat shark whale, the largest fish in the ocean.
    The reason I say this is because when I was in school in Ireland, I had an English teacher named Jim Baily, he was not a Christian Brother, He was wonderful story teller. He would tell us of his vacations in America. His love of New York, Miami, the Grand Canyon,
    San Francisco probably induced me to “get to fuck outta here,”
    But one day in class, I fucked up an answer to a question he asked. and Mr.Baily said to me. Moe, fish is brain food, ask your Mother to cook you a whale. To which I replied, Sir, a whale is a mammal
    not a fish. The entire class erupted and he laughed out loud.
    I loved that man.

  7. I am seeing a pattern. The two despicable lesbians who ran the christian bakers out of business, blamed the stress of the trial (that they caused) on their weight gain. They were more creative, they also said they had a “loss of appetite”.

  8. BigGun,

    Fiensteins better half just scored a Billion dollar contract not to long ago on the Train to No Where. The term “Conflict of Interest” come to mind.

  9. Hey any of you notice that Bob Beckle of FOX News, or whateverthefuckhisname is, got a face lift? He looks healthy now.
    Still an asshole like Geraldo and Juanita, but healthier looking.
    I guess he cut out the Vodka for good. Poor sap.

  10. Lena Dunham is losing weight, Babs is gaining weight, and the 2x deported Mexican who jumped to his death is ALSO Trump’s fault.

    Is Global Warming Trump’s fault too now?

  11. “Lena Dunham is losing weight, Babs is gaining weight, and the 2x deported Mexican who jumped to his death is ALSO Trump’s fault.

    Is Global Warming Trump’s fault too now?”

    The guy who jumped to his death doesn’t have to worry about gaining or losing anymore, stick a fork in him, he’s done.

  12. Is Global Warming Trump’s fault too now?”

    No, it was Bushes fault – now it’s Obama’s fault. Can’t blame Trump for anything! Go Trump! Make me Gloat more!

  13. Brad. I hear you. I would loved to have met Sedra. Imagine you, me, Doc, BFH, Sedra, and gaggle of other IOTWers meeting at Rory Dolans on Saint Patrick’s Day. What a pissup that would be. LOL

  14. Her concert sales must be way down. For millenials its, “Babs” who? Hey, Barbra stop stuffing your pie hole with pancake, trashing the right and just sing.

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