Babylon Bee Cartoon is a Classic – IOTW Report

Babylon Bee Cartoon is a Classic

ht/ dr. dinkweaver

6 Comments on Babylon Bee Cartoon is a Classic

  1. Hilarious! I’m bookmarking this one.
    To paraphrase Syndrome, “When everything is racist, then nothing is racist.”

  2. Classic Marxism, change the definitions, shift the goal posts, redefine the terms, control the narrative, reclassify the benchmarks, and set the conditions for changing all truth and historical factuality.

    Everything Marxists do or say is predicated on a lie because Marxisn is just Satanism.

    Our world and perception of it is so twisted and distorted by marxist contortions these cartoons are correct.

    Lucifer is responsible for every action of the Demonrats who serve him with such utter devotion along with their complicit uniparty Republican cucks.


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