Back in the USUSSR – IOTW Report

Back in the USUSSR


Obviously, the US is not the USSR. Still, government, media, universities, sports, and Hollywood move in a lockstep and do not accept any deviation from the accepted world view. FBI agents are used to intimidate enemies of the Democrats, while media and social networks work to enforce the official view on every subject. How they quickly shut down the Hunter Biden laptop story is terrifying, and the old Soviet leaders would have clapped with approval that a person could not send the original link of the story to a friend on Twitter or Facebook. More

9 Comments on Back in the USUSSR

  1. The US is not the USSR. It’s worse. The residents of the USSR KNEW they were victims of the communists. The vast majority of Americans refuse to acknowledge the reality that we too are being made subservient too communism.

  2. Tonight I read a question or Quora that asked wouldn’t it be a good thing if the President could block out anything he did not think was the truth.

    Do people not understand the purpose of the First Amendment? Historically, the biggest liars and the biggest murderers have been governments. Also historically the first people to be killed after a tyrannical government comes to power are the “little people” who helped bring that tyrannical government to power. Such governments know that such people like to piss and moan and a tyrannical government cannot afford to keep them around.

    And that is why leftists do not like to teach history.

  3. Whatever your worry, don’t worry: the US isn’t going to last long as the US. It’s gonna break up, and hopefully it’ll be a peaceful breakup instead of bloody. (Then again, leftists want us in slavery to rip us off forever, so don’t count on a peaceful divorce.)

  4. The author of this article is right about many Americans not realizing they’re being fed lies and propaganda.
    Go spend time with people you don’t normally hang out with. They watch the morning shows on regular network tv and the nightly news shows. They think they’re informed.
    Fat, dumb and happy.
    Ever since Obama was elected it’s felt like we’re living the live action, updated version of the fall of Rome.

    I feel worst for those who are without God.
    The preacher at the church we attend talked about this yesterday.
    He pointed out that there has always been chaos in the world. It won’t stop til Christ returns.

  5. Is freedom worth more than dollars??? I have no doubt about why we have brains, it’s up to us to use them. I have no intention of letting anyone rob me of freedom to just give up and let them get away with it. Maybe they should watch out as to just what bear they poke.

  6. Communism is merely Satanism in drag (in some cases, literally).

    Communism is the satanic demonic based fear, revulsion, and hatred towards all that is good, holy, and beautiful that the Lord God Almighty has produced.

    Everything our current putrid, evil, and sick society produces is done to both defy and deny our Lord Jesus Christ.

    They want to silence our mouths and confiscate our guns so we cannot resist when they come to purge Christians.

    At the same time the ever insidious Lucifer uses every tactical, operational, and strategic avenue to undermine faith and expression by diluting Christians to the point they accept abortion and deviance.

    Since all evil must coalesce into an alternate form of religion and control, Satan prefers Communism.

    Our world is currently hurtling towards the end of days.

    Communism completely controls cast swaths of our government, media, entertainment, education and corporate systems.

    This plan was formulated after the revolution and implemented in 1878 as our Agrarian society prevented it taking root.

    Mass technology and precision machining created the ability to concentrate population into to urban areas that could be controlled.

    The civil war was the last gasp of Agrarian society crushed under the boot of mass production of weapons of war.

    WW1 was started to bring Communism abd its diluted cousin Socialism to Europe and Russia.

    The War Machine and WW1 birthed the world Bank, the federal reserve, the income tax, the United Nations abd global Wetern Governance.

    The Great Depression and WW2 cemented covert socialism into place through confiscation of Gold and printing of fiat currency. It centralized government control into the DC swamp through they creation if the vast federal agencies leviathan to control the currency and economy.

    Even worse was the birth of the multinational post WW2 power if the Intel agencies.

    Then the Devil went into overdrive with copying and modification of the police state of the Soviet Union.

    Now our Alphabet agencies and federal government control almost all aspects of our lives.

    Since the interwebs opened up avenues of resistance, counterbarritives and freedom they needed Big Tech to crack down on free speech. Thus hate speech and misinformation protocols were born.

    Since Satan operates on all fronts simultaneously our culture, values, and pillers of society and civilization have been under constant assault through demonic perversion of the family unit.

    So another war (Vietnam) was needed to cemented the Great Society and foment generations of unrest and civil disorder to further fracture society into controllable subgroups of victimized collaborators.

    Now energy independence, food independence, freedom of movement, worship, and thought are under full assault.

    It’s a bleak picture to be sure. If PDJT loses again through cheating and corruption, it is over.

    Prepare accordingly as even if patriots prevail, it will be considered a 20 year blip on Lucifers March to Armageddon.

  7. FTA: “Americans want normal. And it will come.”

    It will not come. we are in the “new” normal. The next leader of the US will shred the Constitution and surrender our sovereignty to the global cabal. They will install a New World Order leader who will have the consent of all world leaders to lead us.

    The “leadership” has their hooks into us far deeper than we realize. President Trump exposed the depth of the corruption. No one man can exorcise the middle management demons in our government. They control our water, power grid, and food supply chain. We saw it during COVID and now.

    The world leader will cut off those necessities via his minions to those who refuse his mark of ownership on their hand or forehead. There will be a beheading in the refusniks’ near future. Acceptance of the damning mark will guarantee an eternal existence in fiery torment.

    This is prophesied in the Bible. All of the prophecies therein will be fulfilled. That means that Jesus came the first time to offer salvation to the world. He is coming a second time to snatch (Greek:harpazo) His followers off the earth and to judge those left behind. You do not want to be here after the harpazo (snatching away; rapture). All those left behind will be destroyed (devoted or given over to eternal misery in hell). The result of the coming wrath of God will be like in Noah’s day when everybody outside the ark was destroyed and everybody remaining in the valley of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed (Luke 17:26-30).

    To be included in the rapture, the snatching away, all you have to do is willingly and sincerely ask God to forgive your sins and invite Jesus to be LORD of your life.

    You can say something along the lines of, “God, I accept Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross by faith. I ask You to forgive me of my sins. Jesus, by your Holy Spirit, be my LORD and live in my heart. In Your name I ask it. Amen.”

    If you sincerely said this prayer, God will honor it and do as you asked. Next note the date of your acceptance (it’s your new birthday) tell people what you did and attend a Bible teaching church. Tell the pastor and get fully immersed in a water baptism AND REJOICE FOR YOUR NAME IS WRITTEN IN HEAVEN IN THE LAMB’S BOOK OF LIFE!!! When Jesus returns, whether you are asleep (dead) or alive, you will be snatched up into the air to meet Jesus (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). Hallelujah!!!

    If you choose not to ask God for forgiveness, you’re risking the untimely trip to the misery of hell. You are not guaranteed the next breath. You could die any number of ways where you could not have your “death-bed” conversion. Why risk it? God wants you in Heaven with Him; the devil want you in the fiery misery of hell with him. You get to decide where you will spend eternity. Don’t wait, don’t blow your chance; there may not be a second chance. You are now without excuse.


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