Back to the Medieval Green world – IOTW Report

Back to the Medieval Green world

American Thinker: Greens dream of a zero-emissions world without coal, oil, and natural gas.  They need to think about what they wish for.

First, there would be no mass production of steel without coke from coking coal to remove oxygen from iron ore.  People could cut trees in forests for charcoal to produce pig iron and crude steels, but forests would soon be exhausted.  Coal saved the forests from this fate.

We could produce gold and silver without using mineral hydro-carbons, and with ingenuity, we could probably produce unrefined copper, lead, and tin and alloys like brass and bronze.  But making large quantities of nuclear fuels, cement, aluminum, refined metals, plastics, petro-chemicals, and poly pipes would be impossible.

Making wind turbines and solar panels would also be impossible without fossil fuels.  A wind turbine needs lots of steel plus concrete, carbon fiber, and glass polymers as well as many other refined metals — copper, aluminum, rare earths, zinc, and molybdenum.  Solar panels and batteries need high-purity ingredients — silicon, lead, lithium, nickel, cadmium, zinc, silver, manganese, and graphite, all hard to make in backyard charcoal-fired furnaces.  Transporting, erecting, and maintaining wind and solar farms plus their roads and transmission lines need many pieces of diesel-powered machinery.  more here

18 Comments on Back to the Medieval Green world

  1. …don’t bother Democrats with reality when they’re busy virtue signalling, or they’ll cry “OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!” to their minions…and you know THAT bunch LOVES them some decapitations…and, come to think of it, they love living in the medieval period, as well, just not in the European version thereof…

  2. What the Left really wants isn’t an environmental paradise, it is a complete return to the Feudal system.

    Because they envision themselves as the Feudal lords and the rest of us as their vassals. They will be the Kings and Queens, Lords and Ladies, Noblemen and Knights and such and we will fear and obey them without question as their high positions show we should.

    Getting rid of our abundant and affordable energy is one of the ways they intend to accomplish this, but only one of them.

  3. Well I guess it’s back to “Whale Oil & Seal Oil” lamps…… oh wait, they’re endangered species, so I guess we’ll regress even further to campfires in the living room (cave), until there’s nothing left to burn.

  4. “(Nothing But) Flowers” – Talking Heads
    Here we stand
    Like an Adam and an Eve
    The Garden of Eden
    Two fools in love
    So beautiful and strong
    The birds in the trees
    Are smiling upon them
    From the age of the dinosaurs
    Cars have run on gasoline
    Where, where have they gone?
    Now, it’s nothing but flowers

    There was a factory
    Now, there are mountains and rivers
    You got it, you got it
    We caught a rattlesnake
    Now, we got something for dinner
    We got it, we got it
    There was a shopping mall
    Now, it’s all covered with flowers
    You’ve got it, you’ve got it
    If this is paradise
    I wish I had a lawnmower
    You’ve got it, you’ve got it

    Years ago
    I was an angry young man
    I’d pretend
    That I was a billboard
    Standing tall
    By the side of the road
    I fell in love
    With a beautiful highway
    This used to be real estate
    Now, it’s only fields and trees
    Where, where is the town?
    Now, it’s nothing but flowers

    The highways and cars
    Were sacrificed for agriculture
    I thought that we’d start over
    But I guess I was wrong, hey

    Once there were parking lots
    Now, it’s a peaceful oasis
    You got it, you got it
    This was a Pizza Hut
    Now, it’s all covered with daisies
    You got it, you got it

    I miss the honky tonks
    Dairy Queens and 7-Elevens
    You got it, you got it
    And as things fell apart
    Nobody paid much attention
    You got it, you got it

    I dream of cherry pies
    Candy bars and chocolate chip cookies
    You got it, you got it
    We used to microwave
    Now, we just eat nuts and berries
    You got it, you got it

    This was a discount store
    Now, it’s turned into a cornfield
    You got it, you got it
    Don’t leave me stranded here
    I can’t get used to this lifestyle

  5. Those wingnuts couldn’t survive without their iphones and slim fit levis, let alone all the other things they take for granted.
    They should be laughed and scoffed at for the doltish histrionic snittpusses they are.

  6. My undergrad is in metallurgy and materials science. A classmate of mine did his PhD work on long-life batteries for industrial and automotive apps. These rabid half-wits would have a cardiac arrest if they learned the ore benefication and reduction processes required to power their smugmobile Prius.

    Fuck ‘um

  7. “….but forests would soon be exhausted.”

    They were. That’s why England has rolling, grassy hills instead of massive ancient forests. They dug for ore to smelt into copper, bronze and iron. They darkened the skies with pollution and gashed the earth to rob it of its treasures. They literally straightened rivers to bring supplies to seaside castles, thus forever marring natures work.

    The only upside to returning to the medieval world is that my ancestors would have enslaved these eco idiots and burned them at the stake for the glory of God.

  8. The AGW enviro-whackobs never once stop to ponder how they would travel to the next Climate Change Summit without fossil fuels. Nor admit they used fossil fuels to travel to the last one. They’re too lazy to walk there.

    One other thing is certain – fossil fuels were used to make the materials, transport them to the construction site & also used during the construction of the 5-star hotels they stayed in while at the CC Protest Summit. Plus provided the electric power used to light their room an power their cell phones.

  9. It’s all about the Benjamins… and control! Oh! and I don’t mean the joos are involved …………necessarily.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  10. 20 years into implementing this policy the town criers will read hand bills copied in DC and sent by runner to be read aloud so we can learn the will of those in the Lighted Areas.

  11. The watermelon environmentalists are really just modern communists. There are two types:
    The capital C version – those who really don’t believe in the nonsense but want the power.
    The small c version – the useful idiots who can’t think for themselves.

    In ’60 when Ronny said, “My party has nominated, and now elected a Communist. I’m leaving!” (He in fact did not got to Norwalk and leave til ’62!) He also mentioned he was “Randian”! I was and , still am , Randian. the Tea Party move that was made 5 years ago was not bad. “Who is John – ?”

    She was far moer critical of our Commie President than Ron 58 years ago! But then she did not have a political future, he did!


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