Baltimore Maryland: Anthem centennial monument defaced – IOTW Report

Baltimore Maryland: Anthem centennial monument defaced

ABC:  Baltimore, Md –

Vandals have struck again – defacing a century-old statue, near the Pagoda, in the middle of Patterson Park early Monday morning.

The value in childhood memories, for Al Braden at least, is priceless.

“I heard it on the radio that they defaced this [statue]. I turned the car right around and had to come over and take pictures of it just to see it, and to see it like this is horrible,” Braden, who grew up down the road from the park, said.

At the time, the statues cost pennies to construct – a cost that was helped paid for by city school children in 1914.

Now the piece is worth more to Al and those who walk through the park.

“There are certainly better ways to relay your thoughts, your passions, your feelings than to deface property like this,” Braden said.

Red splatters stain the statue and the surrounding grounds, also scribbled is the word ‘racist anthem’ and a Soviet Union hammer and sickle – seemingly meant to refute the statue’s commemoration – an ode to the Battle of Baltimore and the genesis of the U.S. national more

13 Comments on Baltimore Maryland: Anthem centennial monument defaced

  1. That statue looks tall enough to tie the offender to while a good flogging is administered.
    Soon we will grow tired of the ineffectual Justice in this country and see to it ourselves.

  2. That statue looks tall enough to tie the offender to while a good flogging is administered.
    Soon we will grow tired of the ineffectual Justice in this country and see to it ourselves.

  3. The progressive socialists will not be satisfied until all monuments depicting the historic significance of the US are destroyed, just as they’ve done to the History books used in public (re)-Education.

    Baltimore, where the anarchists just need a space to vent their feelings of hatred toward liberty, freedom and the US without police involvement or fear of prosecution.

  4. “We feel there are better ways to express your feelings” Why such delicate, polite language to describe the assholes who do this kind of thing? That is part of the atmosphere of tolerance that breeds this kind of destruction.

  5. Not surprised Baltimore the place that support criminal illegal aliens, the mayor is taking the people taxpayers money for lawyers for the criminal illegal aliens and the idiots black people voted for this socialist criminals.. The homeless people in the streets in Baltimore is sad but this people prefer to take care of criminals.

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