Ban all Guns, Knives, Bats, Bras, and Rocks – IOTW Report

Ban all Guns, Knives, Bats, Bras, and Rocks


CANADA FREE PRESS: Enough is enough. Recently, two more 6-year old students in Maryland were suspended for pretending to throw rocks at each other on the playground. Children start with pretending to throw rocks but tomorrow they will be throwing them. It’s about time we got serious about the violence that rocks (especially assault rocks) play in our society and we must act now. I mean, we have to do something!

I have a suggestion. If we are really serious about protecting people from violence we should ban all guns, knives, hammers, clubs, (far more people were killed last year with hammers and clubs than with assault rocks), frozen meat, bats, bras (since one man killed his wife with her bra), and rocks. Rocks are really dangerous since they are so plentiful and easily attained. It is good that schools make a pretend throwing action unlawful. Stop the madness now with a ban on all rocks.

Let’s not play around with this issue when lives are in the balance. Get serious and eventually ban all rocks, in all places, all weights, and all sizes. I mean if we save even one life, it will be worthwhile. I know the conservative bleating hearts will scream but they are mean, mad, and malicious people. Who cares what they think? They spend all their time clinging to their rocks as they read their Bibles, so who cares about them? They drive around town in their pickup trucks with a huge load of rocks in the back. What does an honest person need with all those dangerous rocks?

All sane people know rocks are evil. Children, especially boys, seem to have a tendency to throw rocks at other children, birds, cats, and other innocent animals. Rocks are evil and must be illegal.  Even pictures of rocks should be unlawful.

Maybe not today, but soon, America will be rock-less except for police, FBI, CIA, FEMA, IRS, BATF, military, security guards, celebrity bodyguards, senators, etc. Only the elite need rocks.  MORE

23 Comments on Ban all Guns, Knives, Bats, Bras, and Rocks

  1. Acting like boys act, Better put them on psychotropic medications
    and counseling for 5 or 6 years and make them pajama boys.

    God forbid if they had used their fingers as guns.

    The pussification of the male species.

  2. i dont want to see you drawing pictures of rocks either. In fact, we need to ban the letter O and the number 0 because somene may get the wrng idea.

    Hey! An “edit” button. Great. Thanks Fur. Too bad it wont let me change “anonymous” to Charlie WalksonWater.

  3. Actually, I’d like to see YouTube videos of amateur surgeons removing the rocks from Leftist heads.

    If you love your child at all, please get them out of the public school system. There is nothing there for them that won’t harm them and your family for generations to come. You could plant them in front of the tee vee, watching the DIY channel, for the next ten years and at least they’d know a trade and how to manage a project.

  4. When I was a kid we had a rock garden! It was rock fights and “target” throwing paradise. But we never threw at the head and nobody was ever seriously hurt.
    And when we did fight nobody hit below the belt. That was unsporting.

  5. There’s nothing more dangerous than the human brain engaged in independent thought. After all, most violence is committed by people who think, at least a little bit.

    All children must be forced to undergo several years of indoctrination and conditioning to stamp out all tendencies to think individually. For their sake, they must all think alike and then think only those thoughts that expert authorities approve and allow.

    Oh. Wait.

  6. We used to have BB gun fights. The rule was we had to shoot at the chest or lower. My brother got hit in the forehead and went home crying, that put an end to that. Anyway, none of us advanced to murder.

  7. @cato February 27, 2018 at 11:33 am

    > The pussification of the male species.

    How did that saying go? Something like:

    “Once is an accident.
    Twice is a coincidence.
    Fifty years is patriarchy.”

  8. Indoctrination begins in nursery school.

    This is another example of The War on Boys.

    Boys are not allowed to be boys, they are required to be more like girls. If not the medication is demanded of the parents. Because the EXPERTS have labeled the boy ADD ADHD, make up a diagnosis, how about autism spectrum? The indoctrination center will demand what ever it takes to castrate the boys.

    Everybody needs to read the War on Boys. Follow the link and click on the War on Boys.

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