Ban cars – IOTW Report

Ban cars

7 Comments on Ban cars

  1. Ban guns
    Ban knives
    Ban axes
    Ban clubs
    Ban cars
    Ban beer bottles
    Ban penises
    This is the knee-jerk mind-set of the Left.
    Ban everything except the root cause of the problem: Culture.
    The culture of hate as encouraged, enabled, cultivated and imported by the Marxist Left in their relentless pursuit of mayhem and chaos to destroy the West.

  2. @JB_Honeydew June 8, 2022 at 7:44 pm

    > Let’s just ban all bans and have a 10 month open hunting season for those that would dare infringe upon the rights of people.

    But, then, who will reinstate the bans on…? Awww. Now, I see what you did there. Well played, xir. Well played, indeed.

  3. Ve must have sensible automobile control. No von needs an automobile mit a petrol tank larger than 6 liters. Ve must ban all automobiles mit automatic or semiautomatic transmissions.

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