Bancouver – IOTW Report

5 Comments on Bancouver

  1. When that 2nd grade teacher Justin Trudeau got elected all the lefties started crawling out of their holes. Same think happened when Obama grabbed the big chair. Not much to do about it until they actually start ticketing the Starbucks loving dimwitted morons who voted that city council in then the fun will start.

  2. Libs want to take the fun out of everything, as usual. Right now, on many levels, I am disgusted with my life. I work like a slave and can’t get various governmental hands out of my pocket. My work takes so much out of me that it’s hard for me to enjoy my non-work hours and my ever-declining quality of life.

    One of my few joys in life these days is to take some reading material to the park on a nice day and spend the afternoon on a bench reading and sipping a tea with lemon out of a paper cup. Maybe I’m weird, but I think it tastes better that way. Thus I can put all my stresses aside for a few hours and get some quality escape from the horror that is modern life in Andrew Cuomo’s New York.

    I’d say I’m glad not to be living in Vancouver, but it’s probably only a matter of time before someone here gets the brilliant idea……

  3. So if they ban paper as well as styrofoam cups for holding coffee, are they going to pour hot scalding coffee directly into your hands to drink? What happens if they ban glass or metal or ceramic coffee cups because some poor schlub might have to wash it and that would take up precious valuable resources like running water? And God forbid if you make a coffee cup out of wood as well. You can’t satisfy these progtard bastards with anything, nothing, zip, zilch, nada. Everything we as humans do offends them

  4. So our friendly family members, neighbors and fellow citizens around the country, when elected, are mightily interested in public education for the primary reason that once we can read we will be able to understand and obey all their verboten signs, directives and edicts!

  5. “Is Vancouver’s ban on paper coffee cups just moral grandstanding?”

    no….. it’s Socialism ….. National or International
    … take your pick proles … it makes little difference in the end

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