Barbara Lee Told to Shut Her Commie Mouth – IOTW Report

Barbara Lee Told to Shut Her Commie Mouth

PJ Media

It was a routine meeting of the Western Hemisphere Subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Chairwoman Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar (R-Fla.) was conducting a hearing on U.S. relations with Cuba when Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) interrupted the hearing to speak about her desire for the U.S. to reestablish relations with the island nation.

Salazar was having none of it. Lee is not a member of the Committee, and according to long-standing House rules, there would have to be a unanimous vote of Committee members to allow her to speak. More

22 Comments on Barbara Lee Told to Shut Her Commie Mouth

  1. If someone with MTG skin color did this you’d be hearing racists for the rest of the year. Having said that thank God for Salazar putting this evil bitch in her place.

  2. whined about having her viewpoint suppressed.

    The proper response to that would be: You, and every other Democrat for that matter, can suck my ass. You sonsabitches have made a career out of suppressing others you don’t agree with. So, you can just go fuck yourselves right the in the ear.

  3. ^^^^^^
    Why in the ear? I mean, I’m not questioning your message here, but the ear? First of all you need to contend with all that wax build up IF your things small enough to get in there? Never mind, carry on. The Ear. Weird, but I’m good with it.

  4. “… Lee said. “And what her move was today demonstrated [is] that she really doesn’t believe in democracy.””

    “Democracy” being socialist code for “communism.”
    Any place calling itself the “People’s Republic” or “Democratic Republic” is a communist shit-hole, where the citizens are oppressed and abused by the State.
    East Germany was the “German Democratic Republic” for instance.
    North Korea (the largest prison in the World) is known as the “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.”
    North Vietnam was the “Democratic Republic of Vietnam.”

    All lies; all the time.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Black Boomer pol from CA…that’s a toxic brew of nostalgia, entitlement, anger and stupid. She needs to go home and live in the worker’s paradise which she helped to create.


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