Barbra Streisand Whines That Her Taxes Went up – IOTW Report

Barbra Streisand Whines That Her Taxes Went up

Amazing. Hollywood always said they’d like to pay more but the GOP wouldn’t tax them. Now they’re getting taxed and they freak out.

She joins that other know-nothing, Bette Midler, in outrage.

30 Comments on Barbra Streisand Whines That Her Taxes Went up

  1. She thinks she is middle class… … well, there is your problem.

    On another note, this tool have been calling for higher taxes and it hits her in a way that her platoon of CPAs & lawyers can’t find a way for her to weasel out and she has the nerve to complain? Her chickens have come home to roost.

  2. Instead of a box you can check to donate a dollar to the election campaign, they should be able to add 10% to their tax bill to pay for a middle class family. No law against over paying if they want.

  3. Babs was all for taxing the rich until she discovered the tax increase affected her. Sorta like the wealthy San Francisco liberal couple was in favor of commie care until they discovered THEY were going to get stuck with extremely high premiums.

  4. @Larry The Liberal:

    You watch your mouths when it comes to Miss Barbra and Miss Bette. These fabulous women are national treasures. And we dig treasures, not diss them.

    Dig treasure? Treasure such as gold? I’m OK with that if we do to Babs what we do to gold ore. Grind it up, make a slurry, add arsenic and lye (or metallic mercury), and collect the precipitated gold from her teeth fillings.

  5. @OpenTheDoor January 5, 2018 at 5:26 am

    For which, some of us, are grateful.
    (They could be threatening to “do things” to us. Like their fellow ingénue, Madonna.)

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