Barr Trolls Pelosi – Asks to Her Face If She “Brought Her Handcuffs” – IOTW Report

Barr Trolls Pelosi – Asks to Her Face If She “Brought Her Handcuffs”


Some Democrats may be calling for his arrest and the impeachment of the president, but Attorney General William Barr proved on Wednesday that he has a good humor about the whole thing.

Barr even joked with Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) about her recent accusations that he has broken the law and lied for the president when he ran into the congresswoman at an event on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol.

“As those seated on the platform waited for the president’s arrival in an adjacent tent, Attorney General Barr approached Speaker Pelosi, shook her hand and said loudly, ‘Madam Speaker, did you bring your handcuffs?’” an onlooker who witnessed the exchange told The Hill.


This is less of Barr having a “sense of humor” about Pelosi’s statements and more of him thinking her statements are the blathering of a crazy lady.

16 Comments on Barr Trolls Pelosi – Asks to Her Face If She “Brought Her Handcuffs”

  1. The only handcuffs she is familiar with are the ones her husband uses to cuff her to the bedposts…only to leave her there to have a quiet meal alone at a restaurant. Blathering dolt.

  2. Barr must be aware of Nancy’s intermittent brain freezes and the triggers that put her damaged thought process circuits into spin loop mode. Must be the democrats primary requirement for speaker of the house.

  3. When I first read Barr’s question – I thought he was asking Nancy if she brought her own handcuffs for her own arrest. Like the guy who brought the rope for his own hanging.

  4. Nancy Pelosi’s husband went to church without her. He sat in the back, not wanting to attract attention to himself.

    Suddenly, Satan appeared at the pulpit. All the other people in the church rushed for the exits. Mr. Pelosi stayed seated.

    Satan flew to the pew in front of Mr. Pelosi and screamed, “What’s the matter with you? Aren’t you afraid of me?”

    Mr. Pelosi said , “Nope, not a bit.”

    Satan yelled, “You know who I am. Why aren’t you afraid of me?”

    Mr. Pelosi calmly said, “I’m not afraid of you, because I’m married to your sister.”

  5. I doubt if Nancy was/is quick enough in the wit department to come back with the “Sergeant at Arms” remark. I seriously doubt it. Obviously there is some one helping her.

  6. “He lied to Congress. And if anybody else did that, it would be considered a crime,” Pelosi said last month. “Nobody is above the law. Not the president of the United States. Not the attorney general.”

    Nobody except James Comey, Michael Cohen, Peter Strzok, Hillary Clinton, et. al.


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