basic anti-gun twins – IOTW Report

basic anti-gun twins

Patriot Retort: Anti-Gun Teens claim the NRA is “basically” threatening them.

I want to thank the anti-gun Parkland kids personally for encouraging me to renew my lapsed membership to the National Rifle Association.

My new membership card came in the mail yesterday and I owe it all to you guys.

So thanks. Thanks for lighting a fire under my ass and getting me to do what I should have done in 2014 when my NRA membership expired.

Personally, I hope these Parkland kids never shut up.

It is not uncommon for people who love liberty to become complacent and soft. And getting a daily reminder that there are people in this country – heavily-funded people – who want to deprive us of our liberties is just the kick in the butt we needed.

Never stop Leftists from poking a slumbering giant. Instead, thank them.

We needed the wake-up call.

Any old how.

Two of the so-called “survivors” appeared on CBS News Monday to accuse the NRA of “basically threatening them.”

Now, allow me to translate “teen-speak” for you.

When teenagers use the adverb “basically” what they’re saying is this:

“Not really, but the truth isn’t dramatic enough.”

According to the Hill who reported this “basically” threat, the NRA has never publicly criticized (let alone threatened) the Parkland kids.

But nonetheless, the Parkland kids claim the NRA is “basically threatening them.”  MORE

19 Comments on basic anti-gun twins

  1. Under the tutorship of their FBI dad/uncle, these two propaganda stooges do their assigned anti-gun scripts.

    First we find out that David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez Are Cousins
    “When we first observed crisis actor Emma Gonzalez co-leading the student movement for new gun control laws in Florida, SOTN was immediately suspicious. Her persona-altering shaved head and perfect talking points were 2 BIG red flags.”

  2. Hey look, a new superhero for the left.

    I will call them “BetaDyke”, faster than a speeding bullet-head, able to leap a tall Dixie cup in a single bound…….

    What a couple of pussy-hattted professional victims.

    I hope they martyr themselves.

    Grow the fuck up.

  3. Kids haven’t experienced life yet,they don’t know, what they don’t know. So they glom
    onto tv and get their info from the liberal media. I wouldn’t let a kid mow my grass.

  4. There’s audio of them admitting bullying the shooter since middle school. I’ve posted it here before. If you need it it I’ll dig it up again. Joseph Goebbels approves of their message.

  5. Creepy kids. Way too intense. They have this soul-less “Children Of The Corn” vibe that I suspect is backfiring on them and turning off all but the most diehard Lefties.

    Hogg can’t disguise his ambition and fanaticism.
    Americans don’t like fanatics.

  6. We get on the BATF list out here by buying cases of ammunition. They even ask about it during our background investigation interviews.😀

    As for the kid progtard plants, parents funded by WHO?

  7. @Rufus T. Firefly March 21, 2018 at 11:46 pm

    > Americans don’t like fanatics.

    And, yet, they seem perplexed, when their long awaited “heroes” gaze across the sea of their fellow countrymen, and cry out… “meh”.

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