Bat Signal Your Ex This Valentine’s Day – IOTW Report

Bat Signal Your Ex This Valentine’s Day

Via Uncle Al in the Bullpen


 Ever consider paying tribute to an “ex” on Valentines Day? Perhaps doing something that shows exactly how you feel about them?

This year, Centre Wildlife Care is giving you the chance to do just that.

If you make a donation to a fund that go towards restoring local bat populations, you can name a meal worm after your “ex” which will be eaten by Betsy (a large brown bat) at Centre Wildlife Care.

If you donate more than $45 dollars, you’ll get a personalized video clip of Betsy eating the worm (labeled with a name of your choosing).

10 Comments on Bat Signal Your Ex This Valentine’s Day

  1. Smellosi’s Bat Mitzvah

    Has she planned for the insignificance
    of her retirement ?

    And how she will be laughingly remembered?

    How she was in command of her party’s
    destruction ?

    How she had no control over four freshwoman
    reps who dictated party policy more than
    she could / would ?

    She could bow out with less shame than
    being voted out with more shame.

    But I don’t think those smellocrats
    are smart enough to do that. After all .
    they’re the ones who kept re-electing her.

  2. man, this is going to be sooooooo expensive at $45 a pop

    Nasty Pelosi, Chuckles the Clown, Adam Schiffhole, Jerry the Waddler, Killary, Liz, Comrade Bernie, Comey, Brennan, Barky O, The View harpies, every assclown in Ho-Wood, Gov. Coonman, deBlazio, the entire CNN & MSDNC crews … & on & on & on …

    where’s Little Mikey Doomberg’s wallet when you need it? … maybe I can get a Gov’t. grant for an ‘art’ project …

  3. that’s it! I’ll get a gov’t grant to set up an ‘interactive fun family experience’ (& we’re not judgmental on what you consider a family), for all ages.

    for the kiddies, they can throw darts at the balloon-faces of above-mentioned people. a quarter a shot … hey, gotta pay for all those balloons

    for the teen brats, they can use BB guns (parental-unit permission, of course … sign this waver), or bean-bag ’em, ala Cornhole … maybe we’ll us Lawn Darts instead

    for the young adults, they have the Poo Fling (we’re really being artsy now!) where bags of poo are thrown at their favorite d’RAT cut-out

    for the older crowd, they can choose their weapons … slingshot, bow & arrows, throwing knives, .22 caliber, 9mm, .45 caliber, .50 cal, rocket launcher, mini-gun, guided TOW missile, Apache helicopter, A-10 (this is predicated on a sliding scale of monetary ‘contributions’)

    damn, this just might work … Note To Self: check gofundme


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